juana barraza as a child
Two years later, Barraza was convicted and sentenced to 759 years and 17 days; she remains in Santa Martha Acatitla to this day. People Who Have Been Reincarnated: Are These Stories Real Or A Hoax? Juana Barraza - The Old Lady Killer - Gavin Reese Both pregnancies resulted in miscarriages. Juana Barraza is a criminal in Mexico who is also known as the Old Lady Killer due to the murders she had committed. Justa Barraza, her mother, would do anything. The couple saw only three times throughout their marriage before divorced in 2017. When the Police caught her, she had pension forms, a stethoscope, and an ID identifying her as a social. In mid-2005, Barraza began a relationship with taxi driver Jos Francisco Torres Herrera, alias El Frijol ("The Bean"), who became her accomplice. Initially, she would disguise herself by simply dressing in white clothes, but later, she acquired a genuine nurse's uniform. Alvarez uses imagery and specific word choices to describe how Trujillos influences on her mother turned from innocently revered to doubly revolted. The killings continued, with police growing increasingly desperate to nail the fearsome granny-slayer. The Mexican wrestler turned serial killer was sentenced to 759 years in prison after being found guilty of sixteen of the thirty murders she was tried for. By November 5, 2003, police had enough evidence and witness testimonies to believe that a serial killer was involved and that it was a tall person with rough factions who was posing as a city council nurse or social worker to gain the victims' trust. . Moreso, she was found guilty of 12 robberies. Her firstborn died in a gang shooting when he was 24 years old. At one point, it was even suspected that there were two killers involved. The crimes increased sharply afterward. In 2006, the police detained a suspect leaving a victims home. Wrestling: How Independent Wrestling Is Changing the Landscape, WWE: Clash at the Castle delivered 20m+ into Welsh Economy. Gabriel Garcia Marquez wrote Chronicle of a Death Foretold. Araceli double-crossed Barazza though. She was born Juana Dayanara Barraza on December 27, 1957 in Hidalgo, Mexico. Help Solve Cold Case Murders in Your Spare Time and From the Comfort of Your OwnHome. Barrazas second child, a daughter married at an early age and left to be with her husband. Barraza in Escrito con Sangre (IN SPANISH; WARNING FOR GRAPHIC IMAGES). Barraza approached her victims on the street or knocked on their door, pretending to be a city council nurse or social worker. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A portion of all Gavin Reese Publications, LLC, sales is donated to charities that benefit crime victims as well as law enforcement professionals and veterans, their families and heirs, and the memories of our Fallen Heroes. Sign up to the Daily Star's newsletter. But Juana's eventual capture was a lot less dramatic. Juana Barraza, now 61, terrorized senior females in Mexico City as a serial killer who strangled women with a stethoscope. Background Her father was a police officer and her mother was an alcoholic prostitute. In reality, Barraza had been previously at a police station and was even interviewed on a TV program about wrestling just one week before her arrest, all without arising suspicion. Depending on her victims' wealth, she would gain their trust and accede to their homes by offering massages or help in obtaining medicines and subsidies. On December 27, 1958, Juana Barraza was born in Hidalgo, a village north of Mexico City. Her mother was an alcoholic who is said to have traded a 12-year-old Juana to a man for three beers. Killer Psyche Season 2 Episode 21. 'Old Lady Killer' used wrestling moves to slay '50' victims after mum You can also buy Susana Vargas Cervantes book called The Little Old Lady Killer: The Sensationalized Crimes of Mexicos First Serial Killer on Amazon. As it is she was sold off when she was only 13 years old to a man old enough to be her father. Juana Barraza. This site is not available in your country. Somebody in the street offered Lopez a bed to stay in instead of sleeping on the floor but instead of accepting it, he took this stranger to a abandoned building and sexually abused him. Officer patrols in the areas where the killer was active increased, pamphlets advising the elderly to be wary of strangers were distributed, along with new sketches, and the police even paid elderly women to act as bait in park areas. He joined a gang and smoked cocaine. Juana passed away in 1684, at age 56. It is said that the emotional and physical abuse that she tolerated in her childhood was one of the reasons she committed these murders. However her first son died in a mugging accident. She then went on to have 4 children in total. The man used her as a sex slave. After her arrest she would tell cops that the name was inspired because Im quiet and keep myself to myself.. She was sentenced to 759 years in prison in 2015, convicted of killing 16 . Initially, she would disguise herself by simply dressing in white clothes, but later, she acquired a genuine nurse's uniform. Preventing exposure to the girls of what was happening outside created the lack of knowledge of Trujillos evil acts, making them believe that he was a great man. It was the way of life for the Dominican Republic people. Barraza was also made to pose next to a bust and eyewitness sketches of the Mataviejitas; this was criticized as misleading the public into thinking that police had been in the right trail to finding Barraza. After she had gained access to the home, Gonzlez started to make derogatory comments; Juana became infuriated and beat Gonzlez before fatally strangling her with her bare hands. Women are raised to be servable and were forced into marriages. Her arrest and subsequent reference to as El Mataviejitas came following discoveries of the dead bodies of old ladies in Mexico over a period of many years. Privacy Policy. See Also:John Ripple: Man Robbed Bank To Avoid Wife, Gets Sent Back Home. The press estimates her murders to be in between 29 to 49 women. Juana had four children. When Alvarezs mother was young, she admired Trujillo greatly. Though Barraza was illiterate, a search of her home found a trophy room with newspaper clippings of the murders, along with objects taken from the victims and an altar to Jess Malverde and Santa Muerte, two folk saints commonly venerated by Mexican criminals. Turns out that the killer compiled a list of old ladies who were on the government assistance programs. Juana Barraza - Wikipedia Throughout the years, Juana struggled to make ends meet and began stealing from shops, eventually escalating to burglarizing homes. Lugo would abuse Barraza for four years, impregnating her twice when she was thirteen and sixteen years old; both pregnancies resulted in miscarriages. She would then rob the victims for personal gain and to obtain a trophy. With the help of the witness, the police were able to arrest Barraza before she left the area. The objective is to promote history on Medium and demonstrate the value of historical writing. Despite her best efforts to give her daughters the stable family she had never had, Trinidad's philandering was too much for Justa to handle and she walked out, taking their children with her. Now that Jacinto is 23 she has become an advocate against sex trafficking and human trafficking. BritWres: Kendo Nagasaki Coming To Liverpool TNT Effys Big Gay Brunch 2023! As I said in the beginning, Juanas case would make for great TV! However, Tapia was also in a relationship with a corrupt Federal Police officer, Moiss Flores Domnguez, and they concocted a parallel plan to extortionate Barraza. Press treatment of the Mataviejitas changed dramatically after Barraza was arrested. Her father left her. In The Beginning Juana Barraza was born on 27 th December 1957 in Hidalgo, Mexico and raised by an alcoholic mother who left Juana's father when she was three months old. Life was hard for Juana Barraza. According to Heather Monk, in 1910. Juana Barrazas case is the perfect example of this. Three months after Barraza's birth, Justa abandoned her husband to begin an adulterous relationship with Refugio Samperio, a married man who was also Justa's stepfather and would become Barraza's own father figure. and our There would be no more breaking and entering, the old dears would let them in no questions asked. AP Archive/ Youtube Juana Barraza While Barraza was never directly mentioned or referenced on the show, she appears to have been an inspiration for the following unsubs: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Female wrestler arrested for serial killings of elderly women Juana chose older women because of anger she had towards her. Her mother abused alcohol and/or drugs. Once inside their homes, the story ended with the victims being strangled or stabbed. Her mom and dad never married and were only together for the first five years of Juana Barrazas' life. The convictions were mostly for murders she could be tied to through fingerprint evidence. Juana never knew her father when he abandoned her pregnant mother and took their son. Juana Barraza is a Mexican serial killer and con artist. In 1995, short of cash after the birth of her fourth child, she began to steal items from shops and later evolved to burglarizing homes. This society believes that virginity is more important than someones life and will kill for it to be restored. Her father was a police officer and her mother was an alcoholic. One day her mother lost in his addiction and not having money, changed to Juana for three beers, allowing an older man molesting Juana and raping her. Hispanics may also have more than one first name and choose to use all or only one. However, on January 25, 2006, Barraza was seen by a tenant as she left the murder scene of landlady Ana Mara de los Reyes Alfaro, and she was arrested by a passing police patrol. The suspect, Juana Barraza, 48, was arrested after a tenant saw her running from the house of an 82-year-old woman just found strangled with a stethoscope in a working-class neighborhood in the . That is it also described her killing of ladies without getting caught. She later acquired a genuine nursing uniform to help dupe her victims. "The Monster of Montmartre". However, Mexico City police denied any connection between the crimes, and a number of people were imprisoned for some of the murders. It is thought she may have actually been responsible for up to 40 deaths. Juana Barraza is a Mexican serial killer and con artist. She suffered through bad marriages and two miscarriages. While looking for the killer, the team and the police kept suspecting a man as the killer. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Her father, Trinidad Barraza, was a drunk philanderer who according to one interview, had fathered over 30 children throughout the years. Juanas resentment towards her mother fuelled her attacks on these elderly women. Juana Barraza (born 27 December 1957) is a Mexican former professional wrestler and serial killer dubbed La Mataviejitas (Sp. 8 Prolific Female Serial Killers | Mental Floss Life was hard for Juana Barraza. In 1995, after the birth of her fourth child, she began stealing from stores as a way to get by. Juana never learnt to read or write and had a very rocky relationship with her mother. Writer of Authentic Hard Boiled Thrillers . Officer patrols in the areas where the killer was active increased, pamphlets advising the elderly to be wary of strangers were distributed, along with new sketches, and the police even paid elderly women to act as bait in park areas. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It turns out that all the while her mother lied to her uncles about what happened to her. Brutal murders started in 1998, with the police and press speculating that the serial killer was a man dressed in womens clothing, dubbed El Mataviejitas, and a number of people were imprisoned for these murders. Though she carried a bag with medical tools as part of her disguise, Barraza usually strangled her victims manually or with a ligature taken from the victim's own home, which she would leave at the crime scene. Date of Birth: December 27, 1957 (LogOut/ This MO resulted in her being dubbed The Little Old Lady Killer. Your email address will not be published. He mother was an alcoholic. At her trial she explained her motive very simply, saying: "I got angry. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Her mother, Justa Samperio, an alcoholic sex worker, was very young when she had Juana. US History: The Best 3rd Party Presidential Candidates Who Did Well! Indies: Deadlock Pro Wrestling The Gem of the Carolinas. At the age of twelve, her mother allegedly pimped her daughter out to a man called Jos Lugo for three beers. They even paid old women to act as decoys, and would watch them sitting in the park hoping the killer might strike. Im an introvert but willing to discuss history anytime. Long before Mexico experienced the killing spree, Juanas turbulent childhood included being pushed into the hands of an older man. . It wasn't until the following year that police finally admitted to the existence of a serial killer. Three beers. Something went wrong, please try again later. Barraza was sentenced to 759 years in prison, but she will be paroled regardless in 2058, at the age of 100. Per Film Daily, the police were close by and caught up to Barraza. Barraza approached her victims on the street or knocked on their door, pretending to be a city council nurse or social worker. BBC NEWS | Americas | Life for Mexico's Old Lady Killer Yet, when people go out of their way to take lives, there is no explanation for such heinous crimes except to ask why someone like Juana Barraza did not pursue a legitimate career. She was sentenced to 759 years in prison for killing 42 to 48 older women. Magdalena Solis was born in Monterrey, Mexico sometime between the 1930s and 1940s she was born into poverty. Juana Barraza was Sold off At the age of 13. Juana Barraza | Criminal Minds Wiki | Fandom The killing of 82-year-old Carmen Camila Gonzlez Miguel on September 28, 2005, an upper-class woman and the mother of prominent Mexican criminologist Luis Rafael Moreno Gonzlez, spurred the police into launching a special operation under the name Operacin Parques y Jardines ("Operation Parks and Gardens"). AEW: Jon Moxley on Wild Thing and honoring Icon Atsushi Onita, Movies: Evil Dead Rise! People may believe this could be attributed to her mother who had shown cruelty towards her, as she would be around that age when Barraza committed all these murders. While in his care, Juana was repeatedly raped and became . Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Barraza was born in Hidalgo, which is the rural part of Mexico City, in Mexico. Due to her neglectful childhood and hellish adolescence, Juana was almost completely illiterate - she seethed with anger at how her mother had treated her, and decades later that ire would find an outlet in the most abhorrent of ways. Juana had mild depression after she was horribly treated as a child. A physical one based on eyewitness accounts described the killer as "a man, dressed as a woman, or a robust woman, dressed in white, height between 1,70 and 1,75 meters [5'6"-5'7"], robust complexion, light brown, oval face, wide cheeks, blonde hair, delineated eyebrows, [and] approximately 45 years old". "Juana Barraza: analfabeta, su madre la regal a los 12 aos, fue violada y le mataron un hijo a batazos," Crnica, 27 Jan 2006 Barraza's mother was a dysfunctional alcoholic and a prostitute who sold Juana to a man for three beers. Juana Barraza a female citizen of Mexico. Juana Barraza | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers Juana Barraza, aka the "Mataviejitas," or "Little Old Lady Killer" - standing next to a bust the police used to help catch her, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Woman Held in Mexico City Serial Killings - The New York Times These events spycological scar her for life. At the same time, families kept their daughters out of the public eye, for Trujillo was known to have an appetite for pretty girls, and once his eyes was caught, there was no refusing him (1). Where is She(? Depending on her victims' wealth, she would gain their trust and accede to their homes by offering massages or help in obtaining medicines and subsidies. Juana Barraza's alcoholic mother sold her to an older man when she was 12. The Strange Saga of Juana Barraza, a Female Wrestler and Mexico's Please connect to the internet and start browsing again. She had four children in total, although her eldest son died from injuries sustained in a mugging. Silent Lady: Juana Barraza. "The Little Old Lady Killer") sentenced to 759 years in prison for the killing of 16 elderly women. "La Mataviejitas": la historia de la mujer que asesin - Infobae Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After her first kill, Juana would not strike again for another three months later. Barraza was sumitted to constant sexual abuse every time her mother ran out of money to buy beer. Juana Barraza (born 27 December 1957) is a Mexican professional wrestler and serial killer dubbed La Mataviejitas (Sp. He became homeless along with many other young children, they were known as the gaminies. Former FBI agent and criminal profiler Candice DeLong exposes the case of "La Malaviejitas" Juana Barraza. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Mexico's female serial killer Former female wrestler Juana Barraza was found guilty in March 2008 of murdering at least eleven elderly women in Mexico city over a period of seven years. 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