saiga ban lifted

The end result is that well soon see the flow of Molot-made Veprs slow to a trickle and then stop completely, the blog Truth About Guns wrote. Obama is an enemy of the people, as was Bush. ChatGPT Ban Lifted in Italy After Data-Privacy Concessions Sounds like a Socialist Obamite troll to me. They are at least savvy enough to disguise it. Its been happening your entire kife. Putting sanctions in place at least gives the appearance that he is doing something and we know the left is all about appearances. Do you think we should keep buying stuff from Russia? Seems that most do not understand just what Obama is. Around 390,000 homes will be affected by the restrictions. Your very freedom is at stake and you dont even realize it. Does that affect any parts I may need to order if the gun needs repairs? I dont dislike BO because hes black.I dislike him because he is a race baiter & a bigot.He doesnt care about vets or this country.He is a liar.He seems to only care about himself & the agenda you say he doesnt have.These more powerful people you refer to are the ones pulling his strings.I dont see one thing that has improved in this country since he took over.Youre living in a fantasy world.He is taking us down the wrong path.We are less respected on the world stage than ever.The only thing he seems to follow through on is his eagerness to do away with guns. RWC Group, the sole Kalashnikov Concern (Saiga) importer signed a deal at the 2014 Shot Show to import 200,000 AK47s over the next 5 years for the U.S. and Canadian markets. It never did and it never will. Overly hot bouncy ass pieces of shit!!! PASS AN ASSAULT WEAPON BAN AND YOU WILL HAVE A FULL ON REVOLUTION!! Controlled Senate.). FIME Group, a U.S. distributor of Molots wares, demurred after the ban. That is a very good point. As listed above, there are so many more (likely thousands of) items exported by Russia to the USA that Obama could have sanctioned, items that would have a huge impact on Russias economy weapons, however, are clearly not among those items. Over the last few days I had reviewed a vid of Alex Jones program where he FINALLY openly refers to Obama as Satan. Neither is an alignment with the Constitution. I certainly do NOT want to hear her sing! He open mics it and tells the Russian President, Medvedev, he would be more flexible after he was elected to his second, (another disatorous) term. I think that it includes the AK-74 also. I see it as taking parts they may need later on. Yes, you just ordered some, but that was what they already had in stock. Another Obama loving comment from Ramone. Part of a string of tit-for-tat actions involving central Florida's major theme park, a regional board on Monday said it would sue Disney over the company's parallel action Adolf Hitler And time has Daryl Issa come up with nothing. are you nuts what rock you been living under , you must be one stupid democrat to even say that , he is the most criminial pres ever in this countries history, what has he not done isnt ilegal for his office , hi lies , takes 5 million dollarar vacations a yr , passes laws with his pen and phone , lies to american public ,brings in thousnads of illegals , what has he not done that is not illeagal for his position , everything he does is an abuse of power.your an idiot dude,WAKE UP. I don't even like to hear Die-Fie speak. @ Gun Owner: AKs are not banned. can be added to hundreds if not thousands of items to make a very good picture of how he is systematically dismantling this country. My point is a pro-gun president, regardless of party, easily has the power and effect of sanctions while staying as far away from gun-control as they choose. For all the pro-guners out there I feel your pain and anger from the atrocities against our freedoms, by our current administration. . I also hope that other manufacturers (not necessarily U.S.) take the recent events as an opportunity to manufacture and import affordable 7.62X39, 7.62X54(not sure this one should be on the list), and 5.45X39 ammo. I dont belong on either side and my vote isnt likely to going to count in future elections but Im sure as hell going to try to make it count through my friends. Thank you divemaster, Well said! (2) SAIGA 410 GAUGE 15 RD MAGAZINE by SGM - MADE in USA. Hot Take: Trump doesn't actually care about the 2nd Amendment. In Obamas hands, a phone and/or pen is a dangerous thing. Fortunately, there are a few facts in which gun enthusiasts may find some solace. The passage of some 20,000 gun laws would belie that. I own several weapons including military style weapons, could care less about the notorious AK. Most of Obamas EOs have had little to do about crisis and almost everything to do about his leftist agenda. Get billions of dollars out of the politics. Obama is trying to punish Russia for their bullying. Deal with it home. Or do you like licking the Russian back side so much. This devil has committed to ruining the USA and the liberals are blindly helping him do it each day. He ought to be impeached and so should Eric Holder. Quote from Lord of War. Wake up, you idiots, this man has his agenda, he is working it and he is destroying this country. If you want an AK-get one built here, or by a friendly country. But basically if you are a police officer or one who cries for or votes to enact gun control laws you are beyond that line where it is certain that you serve Satan and will be going with him into the Lake of Fire at the end. If the people of this country continue to allow attacks such as this on our Constitution by rogue presidents, I fear they will live to regret their inaction. WHITE TRASH MOTHER to quote a recent post. You sound like the one who is a communist. The Saiga-12 is available in .30-06, 7.62x39mm, .308 Winchester, 9x53R, 5.6x39mm and .223 Remington calibers as well as 20- and .410 shot gauges. It is most definitely off the table. Yeah, this threat is not ended until she is removed from office, one way or another You use vulgarity here, especially when referring to Feinslime. You might want to read Ronald Reagans Legacy a little more carefully. Lift a ban definition: A ban is an official ruling that something must not be done, shown, or used. And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? What shows this Ak/Saiga ban is a Hyppocritical move to suppress our Gun Rights is that Obama doesnt apply the same rules to himself. Heck You might even consider buying American and keep our own economy fore most. These people operate like snakes in the grass. Dont want a secure border? Cars Kill MORE people than guns. Iron and steel: $20,050,729,000 (3.8%) That is just the Army, buying. Which in turn costs the tax payers who cant afford it in the first place. AK-Rifle), Obama is banning Russian made Snowballs, the problem is that half the countries of the world have Snow. If you remember, Bushs executive orders were during a time of emergency and crisis. HERE IS MY OPINION AND IM PASSING ON THE WORD CAUSE IM MAD AS HELL AND IM NOT STANDING FOR IT ANY MORE I DONT LIKE HIM, I DIDNT VOTE FOR HIM AND I WANT HIM OUT BEFORE HE DOES ANYMORE DAMAGE , IMPEACH OBAMA AND HIS CREW OF YES MEN, AND THE WOs TOO. Interesting to see the Presidents pen can now overrule our constitution. So is anything the United States is the problem . People can call me racist or whatever they want. Banning imports from CK is no different than the sanctions imposed on Russian banks and oil industry companies. Raising a hurdle (or an objection) means to move something into the path of forward movement. At least, I hope. Everyone has secrets, just some are deeper than others. There is no victory until the supreme court strikes down the various assault weapons bans across the communist states. President George W. Bush, spent a total of 367-days on Vacation. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Is everything I have heard wrong, I have no Idea, I just want a VEPR 12 in a little over a year. I have always bought Herters. Go back down to Moms basement lay down and look at your sexy Pelosi poster its been a hard day for you. 3. Why the ones I have are worth three times the original cost. She is NOT the only enemy, just the poster child! Its too bad that these sanctions have effected the import of quality AK builds, but to Mr. Rugers point, itd be kind of strange to impose sanctions on Russia without AKs being included. I do not think that signing an Executive order is the real problem here. Paste as plain text instead, I dont care what his skin color is or what any liberal/progressive skin color is it is their policies I hate. Most are RINOs at best. Another example is sharing your good fortune or redistribution. If the ban was lifted distributors would be able to import the millions of steel core 7.62x39 surplus rounds that are sitting in Jump to content General Discussion - Any topic is welcome here!! Rogozin is also chairman of the Russian Shooting Federation, and once called on the actor Steven Seagal to lobby for looser restrictions on Russian arms imports into the United States. Its a shorthand term used in law enforcement. They made the mess and were (America) still cleaning it up. Notable works: Reveille for Radicals (1946); Rules for Radicals (1971). Local Florida officials are voicing their outrage over Gov. Isnt that like Obama saying that citizens can no longer buy Chevrolets? Big business, Big Pharma, irs, gun control, blatant violation of the Constitution, executive orders while Congress is not in session, how many more things that he had his fingers in do you need pointed out before you sheeple will awaken your true patriotic hearts and not just believe what msnbc dictates to you? There is a reason congress wont back Nobamas decisions. You have to be a liberal Dem-O-Rat because only a fool would say a stupid remark like that. In the world of 7.62-millimeterrifles, Russian-made AKs and Veprs in particulara group of AK-stylevariants produced by gunmaker Molotare highly prized for their quality, durability and killer cool. So here we go (again): Unlike Obama, Bush owned his vacation retreats which were effectively set up as functioning White Houses that he continued to work from. Mozambique put it on their flag. But who needs a Russian AK anyway. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. Gun owners took notice. This clown and his cronies have to go. It is time to eliminate the DickTator. He is not the Anti-Christ himself Many blacks and most Muslims have been pre-primed for this and already call him God. Didnt call you a rascist but alot of the rhetoric coming from alot of folks on this site is. what if i want a VEPR 7.62x54R, does the ban on russian AK-47s apply to those veprs or JUST THE AK47 variant and not the 74, RPK, AKM, dragunov variants? Buy Israeli. The only difference is MSNBC uses the official approved lies. Many now expect the state attorney general will appeal that ruling with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. 2) If you feel so strongly that your government is committing criminal acts, produce the evidence that supports your claim. A place for responsible gun owners and enthusiasts to talk about guns without the politics. Congratulations on memorizing the standard company line. I understand the rifle is being manufactured in Pennsylvania with the full approval of the Russian AK-47 manufacturer. I saw it year after year. Gee, I hope I wasnt disrespectful of others. I absolutely agree and certainly understand your passion, however, Our Republican elected officials are nearly as guilty as the socialist left. However, this is unlikely to move the needle on that front, but will certainly impact the future of RWC Group and the American jobs it provides. If any of us had relatives on that jet what would you do? But, again George W. did have a Co-President in Dick Cheney! Manipulating the context of the event and fear-mongering to promote your own beliefs is evil in itself. He kept most of Bushs policies and even kept some of his appointees afterwards. According to Obamas newest unconstitutionally enacted law, healthcare professionals are now required to violate HIPPA privacy laws and submit medical data to the government. The American government intends on continuing these sanctions until Russia ends their occupation of Crimea. I dont have a problem with this situation. I was on 30 kills when i got disconnected and shadowbanned but didnt realize i was shadow'ed. If I remember correctly, many of the Bush Administration Executive Orders were repealed by the Obama Administration when Obama took office. This appears to be simply part of a larger political issue related to the situation in the Ukraine. There has been a steady push to bankrupt and push us further under control of the Feds or worse. You bitch about congress not doing there jobs. With the Patriot ACT. In any event, there was never a first class ticket fee because the 89th Airlift Wing which manages Air Force One is not a commercial airline. And anyone who says its not part of Nobama agenda has got to be kidding. Hosepipe ban extended in Cornwall and Devon and won't be Pretty Simple Oblahblah grabbed hold of an opportunity to extend something that may be in the nations best interest into his hidden agenda. So I for one am not looking this gift horse in the mouth. But for now, he IS the chief Executive in charge of the United States and since we are not privy to what all he sees and hears, cannot judge what he does. You name it; obammmy has done and will until he is no longer in that position, no matter how it ends. It is probably more easily appreciated that those who assist homosexuality thru laws and the celebration of it are more readily seen to serve Satan helping to destroy those souls. They want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. Amen brothers and sisters. I'm thinking Trump is not a fan of these "assault rifles" at all. Curiously, the decisionis a Trump-era expansion of an Obama-era policywhich the gun lobby once rhetorically blasted. Oh and its cheaper to boot. Contrary to your statement, this is nothing but a political issue which makes political speak quite appropriate when addressing this very topic. Youve all made good points but all were doing here is working each other into a pissed off frenzy. So thanks. Many people recognize that false flags are for the purposes of forwarding gun control but likely few understand that some part of false flags and most of these mass murders are committed by individuals who have been so programmed to do so by witches acting to in Satans interest to promote gun control. There are plenty of USA manufacturers of AK variants that Id rather buy from anyway. Additionally, the trigger and trigger guard were moved backward and put in place of the pistol grip. At this point I will take it where I can get it. If you run into a IP ban afterwards as a member, again - turn off your VPN or switch servers. And last about Bush (I actually got to shake his hand and trade a few words while he was in office) Bush is from Texas. Rotary Lifts Sales & Parts, Tampa FL | A & W Maintenance Pasted as rich text. Read more at, Worse yet, Barack Obama has taken the position that he can rewrite any law he chooses, any way he chooses, for any reason he chooses. Im glad you didnt laugh it off this time because it made a difference for me, as Im sure it will when others read it. comes out if someone brings up the past. It was a No Brainer, from the start. Despite the outward appearance, they are technically based on theRPK light machine gun and share the RPKsheavier barrel and reinforced receiver. He is underhanded and dishonest. Instead, the facts are that prior to 2010 there was an expectation that on Political designated Air Force One flights, the affiliated political party would later reimburse the government commensurate with regular airfare fees based on the normal commercial rates to specific destinations. Have you bought gas or food or paid a utility bill. We post new blogs every Tuesday at 10am PST. Blind sheep like you are just sad and I wont waste anymore time on you. Maryland Assault Weapons Ban | Tactical Experts Our government these days reminds of Nuri al-Maliki in Iraq. Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Second Media Inc., 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. Using diplomacy vs. war mongering We know where that leads. Because Obama has an agenda just like every president does. Nuckinfuts, Wow, arent we a little off point in this discussion thread? However, I have never seen an administration that is so Blatantly against the constitution, so in violation their oaths, and so willing to lie. I agree that they are puppets and that include RR as much as I liked him. Display as a link instead, Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. You dont have too be genius to have, figured that one out. She is a stupid fucking piece of shit and Im pretty sure when they shot Harvey Milk they missed.if you know what I mean. Looking at it from another angle, Putin is laughing at the weakling policy of banning AKs. our money (tax payes) only covers his security (you can bundle preparations in with security). When the politicians finally sell us all down the river, one brick at a time, we will have lost all the rights everyone thinks are sacred. 1) Healthcare Control healthcare and you control the people. Lets face it, in Africa you can buy a fully automatic AK for $20.00, so I know this will not affect the Russian economy at all. Our long-term hope is that the next President will repeal EO 13662. I do not think they are giving us what we want. If you think its right to keep the lethal bleeding of our country to Lowlife 3rd world ideologies , then you are the Frigging problem! I see them driving Ford trucks and armed with our weapons they took from the Iraqis and were donated because of Syria. I guess it was one of those day it just hit me the wrong. OH PLEASE Ramone . Its crazy to me to see entry level AKs now come in at a higher cost than entry level ARs, and what I would refer to as just a standard AK come in at the same price point as a tricked out AR. Throwback Thursday: 5 Long-Slide Pistols I Can't Live Without, Full Feature: Anderson Manufacturing Kiger 9C Pro 9mm, The History Fixed and Adjustable Iron Sights, Throwback Thursday: All About Bullet Grain, Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards. People promise jobs and offer enough pay to barely scrape by. I mean, back in 2008 the only thing I knew Obama stood for, based on his record, was he believed all Americans should be disarmed. Think i saw pelosi looking zombie targets @ cabelas lol. How will it effect you personally? You folks are whining about this? I agree bang of ak47, if its stop at ak47. Thirty days after being published in the Federal Register, executive orders take effect. Say Turkey for instance. I own a Saiga chambered in .308. Nope sorry. Without toning down the paranoid rhetoric, we arent any more responsible than the democrats and wont manage to win elections needed to set our country back on the right path. Its true Obama has socialist tendencies/agendas and doesnt would like to restrict gun ownership. It could read Rumsfeild Cheney Rove and Bush. As always, the devil is in the details, so read on for the straight scoop. Even though they banned the import of Russian parts and firearms. I know Im grandfathered in but can I sell it or pass it along to my kids? As an example: It should not be illegal to say the word Nigger. You know, shall not be infringed. Russia and most Russians want a return to the old USSR. It is simply and arrangement of letters. I myself own a WASR, Romanian AK. Lots of items have been mentioned above-he will not fix any of them. 4) Gun Control Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. Again you are puking the liberal line assuming that conservatives want war. 5. They are indiscriminately killing christians, all iraqi soldiers, any one they feel is not Radical Isam and doesnt believe in Sharia Law. ), Barak Obama: 36 w/ time remaining (No major crisis. Nothing new. This is just an anti Obama tactic to get people who are blinded by their disdain for the POTUS to run out and buy anianother gun. Maybe you should take a look and see how many Saigas and other Russian weapons and parts that come from Kalishnikov are around in a bit. Unknown to the project operators and guys, they were likely detected then attacked and neutralized to a degree which often resulted in their seeming to go crazy. Read more at, I think it can be unequivocally argued that Obama is a traitor. I also feel like Snowden did the right thing by the citizens of the US by reporting to us we are being lied to by Claooer. Live free, or die! CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is currently meeting for its 18th Conference of the Parties (CoP18) August 17-28 in Geneva. And every time they have a chance to stoke it up they do. Can this nation stand two more years??????? I just read her speech. The leader has to lead. But he was cautiously optimistic, expecting the case to now head to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Source: Kalashnikov plans to sell up to 200,000 rifles in US. courts already said the were not legal appointments. Yugo (Serbian) AKs and Russian AKs arent very interchangeable when it comes to parts. Gov. I say ban everything from Russia, ban all US citizen travel to Russia, ban all Russian national travel to the US, ban em to hell. It would only apply to Russian made Chevrolets. Obama does not have a clue. Relative family earnings at 1980 levels. I used to buy shoes directly from the Asian Market, they make em and send em here and our stores mark them up unrealistically. They know that if they tried to take away our rights we will fight. I wont respond to you again. Reddit Basically making them above the law. Kalashnikov USA is now manufacturing a U.S. AK-47 under license from Concern Kalashnikov, and this will eliminate the need for 9022r compliance. They all have as some level of responsibility. Gay rights are are far more important than the rights we as tax payers and citizens were guaranteed in the constitution and bill of rights. Got converted ones and some in their original stock. SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION IZHMASH JOINT STOCK COMPANY), 3, Derjabin Pr., Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic 426006, Russia; Registration ID 1111832003018 [UKRAINE2]. The U.S. Is the biggest gun consumer so, this hurts the Russia pocketbook. In other words, although Obama is not a dictator, he IS CLAIMING THE RIGHT TO EXERCISE DICTATORIAL POWERS for himself. And it is dirtier and fouls your rifle and you are still feeding your enemy. A virtue of a true nigger. Stand up for the ones that cant defend themselves against a tyrant. On Wednesdaya day before the Malaysian airliner was shot downPresident Obama quietly signed an executive order targeting Russian oil, natural gas, finance and defense companies. Additional detail is available at: Its like a penny in the ocean if it does a negative turn in our gun sales or sales for our economy then we dont deserve to be the world leader that we are. does anyone agree. Dont need FOX news Im not swayed by BS either wayIf it looks likea Duck, walks like a Duck and quacks like a Duckit aint a Cow! Review: Hi-Point JXP 10mm An Overgrown Yeet Canon Thats a Lot of Fun! Obama chose not to. President Obama, has spent a total of 92-days to date on Vacation, While in office. Second, it should be obvious to anybody by now, that Obama will do anything he can to restrict firearms, more so when he can just go around congress. Do you have a job or have you looked for one. Give us your take on the Presidents latest use of his pen in the comment section. It is time to eliminate any one person or agency that is impeding our rights as free americans to use our rights and 2nd amendment contitutioninal rights, This is just what obuma the pig wants , total control over all americans , total police state , let the immigrants in and bring their exotic deseaeses into our shores then force us to house and feed them , put em on a bus and send em right back , we have starving people right here in america overflowing the food stamp,medicaid,welfare systems to the limit now and he wants to bring thousands and thousands of poor unhealthy people into our nation and destroy it , when will congress act and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH TIME TO PRESS CHARGES AND IMPEACH THIS PIG IN THE WHITE HOUSE THAT SEEMS TO HATE AMERICA. We just cant trust the American people to make those types of choices. They dont trust it because a black man is president. If we as Americans are too ignorant to make the connection then so be it. He would not understand that anyway because he never fought in the patriotic wars, like me. I do not agree with Pres. If its only Russian Firearms, than feel free to go purchase an AK47 from any other manufacturer. not just the mere ownership. However from what I know I think Kennedy really tried to break out of the puppet job and fight the system. End rant. That is a fact. This will NOT hurt Russia one bit. Receive notifications when we post a new Feat of the Week and other great gunsmithing blog content. Love it or leave it. When one door closes, another one opens. You beat me to the punch. I dont know how many Americans will suffer some form of hardship because of the import ban but Im positive the Russians will suffer more.

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