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breaking evil foundation prayer points

1. PRAYER POINTS 1. 18. Special Prayer Against Foundational Problems, The evil foundations, the altars and the stubborn gates have done more damage than the more pronounced witchcraft. 1. An altar can be raised to bless or destroy, promote or pull down a person, an organization or a thing. Any power from my father and mother's house holding what belongs to me release it now, in Jesus' name. I DECREE AND DECLARE INTO Your life As you use theseprayer points, Christ Jesus will step into your life to rebuildevery faulty foundation, and He will release you from everyfoundational bondage in the name of Jesus christ. There are some problems that are very deep. 2. I pray for deliverance against evil altars to be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus. He simply erected an altar of curses against the man. 55. It is the Lord that has given me power to make wealth, I therefore paralyse and destroy every altar and their spells working against my finance and good living in the name of Jesus. O Lord, wash my head with Your blood, in the name of Jesus. 21. * Learn to fight your battle now for your children not to inherit it, Confess out LOUD the Scriptures promising deliverance: Col. 2:14-15, Gal. 30 Strong Prayer Points To Break Curses And Evil Covenant Have you been going through a difficult time in your family? Father, let the precious blood of Jesus Christ, wipe out and erase every evil mark placed on me from my foundation. I release myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb in Jesus name. 1In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? I have outlined prayer points in line with the word of God that will help you to engage in word filled prayers and see that ancestral and generational curse is broken. Christian, our foundation is built on Christ. According to the passage, Samuel raised an altar in the name of God against the Philistines, and as a result, God became angry with the Philistines and thundered with a great thunder against them from heaven. PRAYER POINTS FOR FOUNDATIONAL DELIVERANCE DAY & MIDNIGHT (12am-2am) 1. SPECIAL PRAYER AGAINST FOUNDATIONAL PROBLEMS. When this is done, he obtains forgiveness from the Father of mercy and is cleansed from every generational sin that is robbing him. A good foundation brings about a good destiny. Declaring the word of God and abiding in it in faith is what breaks that curse. Father, let every strongman of the family set to cut short our glory be cast into fire, in the name of Jesus. Every promise made by my parents on my behalf toany dark power, be broken, in the name of Jesus. The enemy has destroyed the foundation of many people way back from their father or mothers house. In the tremendous name of Jesus Christ, we beg for your assistance and strength to pray through to Breakthrough today. May my feet stand on your solid foundation, my God. set me free from every evil foundation, 8. I silence the evil cry of any idol fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. 7. Destroy the evil altars. 4. This is the part on which the whole building, It has to be solid. Every ancestral curse causing barrenness among the ladies in my family, I stand in the gap for them, and I order you to let go of us, in the great name of Jesus Christ. Violet problem in my root that does not want to bow down to my prayers, die, in the name of Jesus. The height of the building is. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I demand every monitoring spirit that is watching my family to guarantee that everyone shares in the curse of terminal sickness to be completely annihilated by now. When he saw that, he intensified the praying in tongues and before long they all took to their heels and he was able to escape. MY FOUNDATIONS.. We carry the first battle to the various evil foundations wherein we were brought up.. Let the earth shake and tremble and also the hills and their foundations, let them be moved and shaken because my God is wrothPs18;7Let the channels of the wicked waters be seen and their foundations exposed at the blast of His nostrils[ Ps 18;15]. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What I am saying is that there is a difference between power and authority. One must come to God with a remorseful heart and confess his sins and those of his ancestors and vow not to return to serving the gods that his forefathers served. Some others made promises that exceeded them and promised that their generations will serve these gods and sacrifice to them till the end of time. Altars can also be raised to enhance a course or to frustrate it. Although polygamy was practiced in the Old Testament dispensation, God never endorsed it. That is why you discover that sometimes sicknesses such as migraine, hypertension etc are not actually the problem. I know a brother who fell a victim of this terrible altar. 45. 38. 18. Every curse laid by your forebears on their generations by themselves, I neutralize that curse today by the blood of Jesus Christ, since we are now in Christs family, and those curses no longer apply to us, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Family shrines: Any family with shrines has an altar, and the whole family members are monitored through that. Father, by the blood of the covenant, I disengage myself from every initiation of the blood of darkness entered into by my ancestors, in the name of Jesus. Pray aggressively against any evil foundations, loose your hold over my life and be, PRAYER POINTS TO MANIFEST THE GLORY OF GOD, PRAYER POINTS FOR - REVOKING EVIL DECREES AND CURSES. 2. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Psalm 11:3: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can therighteous do?"INTRODUCTION. How then do one break ancestral and generational curses? Furthermore, wicked covenants are often formed by a spiritual or physical agreement between two persons, with responsibilities to be met, and failing to satisfy these commitments frequently has disastrous effects for the defaulter and, most likely, generations after him. This shows the role of altars in spiritual transactions. Profitless hard-work 3. 2. 3. 20. River altars: These are altars meant to serve water demons. Beloved, Christian life is a spiritual warfare. Clothing altars: This is a case where evil people lay hands on the clothes of their victims for evil purposes. Step 2. Pray any other prayer points/speak in other tongues as led. First, one must be born again and remain so. 6. As soon as the foundation is affected, the destiny of that person will be full of failures, errors, struggles and demotion. To identify the source of your problems, you must be ready to give your life to Christ and be born again. Everything our predecessors owe you, we repay by the blood of Jesus Christ, and we are no longer indebted to you in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. That way, a report is filed against a person and the case of such a person is handed over to the demons living in the tree, including witches and wizards. 4. He said the person who did it would bury his children, then he folded the old one naira and threw it into the bush, and as he was throwing it, he also added that as the note was being thrown away, the culprit would never prosper. 2. Any evil foundation raised for my life, be crumbled in Jesus name. Any evil foundation raised for. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. When the enemy wants to attack a man and destroy his foundation completely, he makes sure that there is a serious problem in their family. 10. Photographic altars: Altars can be constructed with wedding photographs, family and individual pictures and through that, a person will begin to receive torments and afflictions or he may even get killed. Somewhere in Ondo State of Nigeria, a man boarded a bus and the fare was fifteen naira. The altar made things easy for the Israelites. In. 22. PRAYERS TO REVOKE EVIL DEDICATIONS 1. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand you to let go of my family right now. I decree what stopped my father & mother in life will not stop me. About possible consequences you can read here: What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Whoever is a victim of crossroad altars would be bombarded with afflictions. The driver got annoyed, brought out a horn with a vipers tooth and issued some terrible curses with it. For example, people offer sacrifices at crossroads and by so doing, they corrupt the cross of Jesus and this is a counterfeit. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. 5. I strongly refuse to recognize the voice of the evil foundations speaking on my behalf, Let the l foundations propagating evil covenants in my life be bound ,chained, paralysed and totally destroyed in the name of Jesus[ Exodus 34;7]. Start Praising God and worship him with songs, and even with dancing. Every foundational covenant in my life, break, in the name of Jesus. However, if they answer, they immediately fall prey. I recover all my benefits hidden in a strange land. There is no area where the wickedness of the fathers house and mothers house are pronounced than in our foundation. Joshua Orekhie. 68. became a bondage, limiting your success in life. For example, the cross where Jesus died was an altar of sacrifice of the Son of God. 3. You demon of my father's house that attached itself to my life, leave me alone in Jesus name 2. Instruction 1: Bring out the closed padlock. You evil foundational plantation, come out of my life with all your roots, in the name of Jesus. We should not forget that believers should rely solely on the Holy Spirit to fight their battles. Let every gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed for ever with the blood of Jesus. 34. It is a place of spiritual bureau de change where blood is exchanged for something. From the above description of an altar, we can see that there are positive altars as well as negative ones. 35. Special prayer against foundational problems tags:foundational problems in the bible, 53 foundation sanitizing prayers, breaking evil foundation prayer points, prayer points for family deliverance, prayer points against tragedy, dealing with spiritual foundations, prayer against wicked elders, prayer points against spirit of setback, prayer against evil family tree, family deliverance sermon. One must also let the word dwell in his heart. 41. Every grace of poverty, break, in the name of Jesus. If you dont know the roots of your problems, means your ancestors have hijack your spiritual life. 15. This prayers are very helpful. Satanic oil poured on my head by my family idol, dry up, in the name of Jesus. 27. Altar of curses: An example will serve to explain this. PRAYER ARROWS FOR DELIVERANCE FROM FOUNDATIONAL BONDAGE. Curses are typically imposed on someone as a result of their heinous crimes against a deity or a prominent personality. Every mountain created by the evil altars, be leveled ,in the name of Jesus. What are ancestral evil hold? I embrace your gates which makes me inaccessible, untouchable and unpenetratable to both house hold wickedness and other forms of evil activities promoted by my evil foundation, altars and the gates. 17. Every curse of sadness that has been placed upon my family, I pronounce that it is now reversed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and that we shall be joyful and joyous in life, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. 4. 64. Polygamous Evil Foundation. It does not matter whether you know about them or not. Lord Jesus, in Your name I break the power of negative pronouncements, enchantments, divinations. Our foundation is the heart beat of our destiny. Every seed of poverty and late marriage in my foundation, break by fire,in Jesus name. 4. (Evangelist Joshua). Father, let every gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed forever by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I uproot every planted my Father has not planted in my root, in the name of Jesus. 13. 10. He had seen the order of heaven and understood the way things are done over there. 11. As you engage it, my God will break every ancestral and generational curse that is attached to your life and give you joy and peace. 3. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You evil foundational plantation, come out of my life with all your roots, in the name of Jesus. The usual trend is that things might start getting worse before they begin to get better and the general reaction of people is to get discouraged and worried instead of taking the bull by the horn. Breaking Evil Foundation Prayer Points Thank you, Father, for being my protection and strength. If you dont know the roots of your problems, the enemy will cheat on you. When Jacob built an altar in Bethel, it was the angels of God who were ascending and descending on it. I refuse to be a prisoner of any local altar. Give praises to God. 25. Father, let the blood of Jesus come on the scene and cancel every blood of the innocent crying in my fathers house, in the name of Jesus. At this point, I would like you to pray the following prayer points: 1. You have entered an incorrect email address! Before a sister got born again, she was a member of the demonic world. Hebrews 2:15: And deliver them who through fear of death wereall their lifetime subject to bondage. 2. 7. Problems are made to make you stronger. It is an acceptable biblical practice to slay either evil priests or prophets through aggressive prayers. 1. Please call: +2348099828623. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. In the great name of Jesus Christ, I demand the demonic onslaught against me and my siblings to yield now. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. The voice of foundational idol will never speak again, in the name of Jesus. 5. We must equally know that there is no extent to which wicked people cannot go to destroy a person. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. now by fire in Jesus name, 6. This mfm prayer points are inspired by daddy Olukoya of mountain of fire and miracle ministries, this mfm prayer points will empower you to break every evil covenants that is holding you captive. I break and loose myself from every form of demonic bewitchment, in the name of Jesus. Father, by the word, release me from every generational prison that ancestral and generational curse has kept me and my glory, in the name of Jesus. It is impossible for an illiterate to graduate, Many of us have foundations that limit and hinder, Such foundations are the result of evil dedications and evil inheritance which have now. 16. Oh Lord my God, remove whatever the devil has planted in my life, in the name of Jesus. Such a person will be living in fear and will be experiencing nightmares and all sorts of afflictions. 41. I break and loose myself from every inherited evil covenant, in the name of Jesus. It a state of a man having more than one wife. Every foundational familiar spirit, I bind you and cast you out, in the name of Jesus. Father, I break the hold of any python at work in my life, in the name of Jesus. Difficult times may be as a result of the penetration of a lot of enemies who must be expelled before there could be relief. 3. O Lord, send your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. One must come to God with a remorseful heart and confess his sins and those of his ancestors and vow not to return to serving the gods that his forefathers served. The ability to read is the foundation for, further education. Father, by the blood of the covenant, I break every generational exchange of glory in my family lineage, in the name of Jesus. 3. O LORD, open my eyes and ears to receive instruction and wondrous things from you, in the name of Jesus. Deal with satanic priest in-charge of your destiny, * When you disobey God, you disobey your destiny Unexplainable marital distress/bad marriage 6. And many cannot fulfil their destiny in life because there is foundation of idolary that has arrested them in the spirit. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I claim victory for my family by the blood of Jesus Christ, and I decree that our triumph will remain forever. If you have been praying for miracles, life partner, marriage, financial favour for long times and nothing is happening, your foundation needs fire and deliverance. Let these virtues come out in the name of Jesus. Every curse that came to me through the sins of my ancestors, break by the blood of Jesus. 8. Aimlessness Not living a purposeful life Let all the unseen gates working mischief in my life, be revealed and uprooted by the holy ghost in the name of Jesus. 5. 4. Remember the Bible says that he had been with God right from the beginning. The good news is that as a believer, a born again, spirit-filled. O Lord, as I pray to you today, visit my foundation today so I can experience a total, permanent . Every darkness planted in my foundation,scatter, in the name of Jesus. In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, my siblings and I will no longer be labeled carriers of negativity; wherever we go, goodness and mercy will accompany us. I decree destruction to every household enemy, evil foundation, resisting my promotion and breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus. Oh Lord, I thank you for this wonderful insight via your word; all glory to you, Lord, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Abraham, Noah, Joshua, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, Samuel and David built altars. This is recommended as the first series of prayers to, Psalm 11:3: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the, In architecture, the foundation is the most important, part of a building. Through the Lord Jesus Christ. 28. Father, Let the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost cleanse every organ in my body, in the name of Jesus. Total separation from the family idol When your name is submitted to altars, it is in order to monitor and influence your life in a negative way. 4. My father, whatever has been buried in my present house, even before I came there, that is bringing setbacks and disappointments to me and my family, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name. I possess my possession stolen by any evil altar, in the name of Jesus. Lift up your heads, O ye gates ,and be ye lifted up ,ye everlasting doors for the king of glory shall come in. PRAYER POINTS FOR FOUNDATIONAL DELIVERANCE DAY & MIDNIGHT (12am-2am) 1. Every serpent in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus. Problems of life are organised to make someone think a way out. 5. For us in Nigeria, polygamy does not require any definition. 9. 9. In, The power of God and the blood of Jesus Christ is the only ransom that can break that generational curse. Renounce them. Unexplainable marital distress/bad marriage My star in the house of my family idol, come out, in the name of Jesus. 8. This is because believers concentrate more on witchcraft, thereby languishing in ignorance over the source of their legal operations .The three strongholds have turned destinies upside-down, countless souls have been buried and many opportunities lost by the believers as the three working in agreement tend to speak on their behalf, act on their behalf and conclude their assignments of doom also on their behalf. 42. Whatever the devil has programmed into my life to destroy me, Oh Lord, remove it by fire, in the name of Jesus. Problem that disgrace men with open rebuke, do not locate me, in Jesus name. Pray and say; 'Father, I want to thank you first of all for the power in the name of Jesus and the word to pull down barriers and crush principalities in prayer, in Jesus name. It is a place of spiritual fellowship with either clean or unclean spirits. Father, as I engage in this prayer to break ancestral and generational curse at work in my life, I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, in the name of. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations.

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