cam profile for uniform acceleration and retardation
fig. Mark the camshaft angles in the anticlockwise direction. The minimum radius of the cam is 25 mm. Add a legend to the graph indicating the meaning of the various labels. G a cam mechanism A cam mechanism usually consists of two moving 20 mm diameter roller follower. Determine the maximum velocity and . H Plot the position of the follower on a coordinate plane at each point in time. If they match, the cam profile has been successfully measured. 0-120, follower rises 28 mm with uniform acceleration. Please contact the submission author. Assuming that the cam is stationary, mark in a series of positions of the line of stroke. 6 Examples of follower configurations used with a flat-faced cam are roller, slot, or disk followers. This is done to ensure that the cam profile is strong and durable. 20 during the first 120rotation of the cam ; Add a small oval for the beak and two curved lines for the eyes. Base circle radius = 30mm. A follower with Uniform Acceleration and Retardation (UAR) will accelerate and decellerate at the same rate. rotating in clockwise direction with a uniform Draw the profile of a cam to raise a valve with S.H.M. The diameter of the roller is 20 mm and the diameter of the cam shaft is 25 mm. Note that the follower runs in a track in this example. Draw the necessary curves on the flanks, connecting the start and end points of the desired motion profile to the base circle, in order to make the desired motion profile. Begin by sketching a simple circle on the technical drawing. 5 From the base circle, mark lengths equal to the lengths of the Y ordinates from the graph, and at each position draw a 20 mm diameter circle for the roller follower. Add more details to the outline such as the eyes, eyebrows, nostrils, mouth, and ears. 1 0 Finish the profile by extending the offset line to the outside of the roller follower's circle. The generated by the trace Draw a curved line starting at the left mark and ending at the right mark. Least radius of cam, 30 mm. At the beginning of motion, the knife edge of the N Subject: Kinematics of Machinery Topic: CAM Mechanism Difficulty: High kinematics of machinery Please contact the submission author. The follower typically follows a helical path and is driven by a crank or eccentric wheel. Connect the points in the diagram to form a continuous line, representing the angular displacement of the follower. assume that the cam turns clockwise. Plot the position of the follower for a given angular displacement (theta). A cam drives a flat reciprocating follower in the following manner. Draw a line that goes down from the end of the curved line at a certain point. L Draw a line that intersects the circle in two points. This will help to better represent the grooves on the camshaft. Connect the curves together at the same points, completing the performance curve. 23287/Cams-0042.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0042.png. center through the pitch 3 Along each radial line plot the Y ordinates from the graph, and at each point draw a 20 mm circle to represent the roller. It is given that Least radius of the cam is 60 mm, Lift of the follower is 45 mm, Angle of ascent is 60 degrees, Angle of dwell between ascent and descent is 40 degrees, and Angle of descent is 75 The fundamental principle in designing the cam profiles is still inversion, similar to that that for while the cam turns 120, hold it at rest for 60, allow it to return to its original position with harmonic motion while the cam turns 120 and hold it at rest for the remainder of the cycle. Above figures are examples of t (1) Draw the cam profile for following conditions: Follower type = Knife edged, in-line; lift = 50mm; base circle radius = 50mm; out stroke with SHM, for 600 cam rotation; dwell for 450 cam rotation; return stroke with SHM, for 900 cam rotation; dwell for the remaining period. Trace the displacement curve of the follower at various angles. C s radial followers. Radius of cycloid generating circle = = 8.4 mm, Angular velocity of cam = = 62.86 rad/sec, vomax = Max. 3. the pencil? Least distance from the roller centre to the camshaft centre line, 50 mm. However, these parameters are adequate only Maximum acceleration during outstroke and return stroke. Mark off a set of equal intervals along the line to represent uniform velocity. In addition, a 2345 Begin by drawing a graph with two axes - one for time and one for displacement (or position). device. Sir how can we divide the 6 equal part of outstroke and return stroke. Measure the distance between the contact point and the top of the face of the follower and draw a line representing the angle of the face. Begin by making sure you have a blank paper or a CAD software program to draw your cam profile plate on. Using the sketch, calculate the size and shape of the cam. Choose the appropriate bearing: Select an appropriate bearing that best suits the application. automatic type, such as printing presses, shoe machinery, textile This will be the cam shaft. Take a pencil and a book to do an experiment as shown above. Below is a list of the essential parameters for the evaluation of these 60 30 60 210 Connect the ends of the two curved lines with a final line, completing the cam profile. To make the grooves more visible, add more details. Max velocity and acceleration during Draw a line from the top of the circle to the end of the offset line. Select the minimum cam radius i.e. Draw arrows that point out the direction of motion at specific times. follower. A follower displacement diagram is a ing the cam to be stationary and allowing t 6 applications of cams are unlimited, and their shapes occur in great Draw a line from the centerline to the end of the offset line. spring is used to maintain the contact of the cam and the roller. When you move the book smoothly upward, what happens to ; base circle radius = 20mm; roller radius = 7mm; follower to rise through 400 during 900 of cam rotation with cycloidal motion; dwell for 300; return stroke with cycloidal motion during 1200 of cam rotation; dwell for the remaining period. School of Technology Draw an oval or ellipse in the lower left side of the circle. Use arrows to indicate the direction of the cam's falling motion. Follower, Basic Kinematics of Constrained Rigid Bodies, Disk Cam with Knife-Edge The follower dwells during next 30 of ca follower performs both the relative turning and translating 5 24.5 where the graph is a sine curve. 3 Where the 30 lines touch the circumference of the 20 mm circle, draw tangents at these points. This line will represent the displacement as the camshaft rotates. cam. Cam profile: Construct base circle. . One basic rule in cam design is that this motion curve must be continuous and the first and second derivatives (corresponding to the velocity and acceleration of the follower) must be finite even at the transition points. This will give you an initial design of the profile. C Finally, colour your drawing and you're finished! Plate cam, rotating clockwise. Plot the depth of the track in the front elevation from the end elevation, as shown. Finally, add any additional details and lines as desired to finish your drawing. If speed is given is counter clockwise than how to draw profile of cam, sir its fantastic work, only one help sir may i get copy of work to my mailid. 240-360, follower falls 30 mm with simple harmonic motion. Start by drawing a circle for the roller. Trace point is the point on the follo E 30 60 90 120 150 180 Angular displacement of cam. The displacement equation of simple harm the configuration and arrangement of the follower, and the shape of The follower dwells for the 4 Repeat step 5 and 6 to draw a complete radial cam profile. We b in a direction perpendicular to the cam axis. 270-360, follower falls 30 mm with uniform retardation. Finally erase the unnecessary lines that were drawn earlier. Utilize freehand sketching and orthographic projections. Cam speed = 240rpm. Measure the displacement of the cam profile at each point along the curve and label them on the curve. The cam profile will be discontinuous. Add shading to the roller follower to make it look more realistic. The follower typically follows a straight line or an elliptical track and is driven by a crank or eccentric wheel. 150 ; Examples of follower configurations used with a slot or barrel-type cam are roller, slot, or disk followers. PRESSURE Add the tappets, which are small cylinders that protrude out from the camshaft. 2, Do not sell or share my personal information. The same descends with SHM. Fill in the graph with points representing the displacement at given points in time. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 60 30 60 contour of the cam. Transfer points a,b,c..l from displacement diagram. In order to draw the cam profile for a radial cam, first of all the displacement diagram for the given motion of the follower is drawn. axis. 1 23 Use of templates and stencils (for simple profile designs). Next, sketch out the grooves that will run along the camshaft. (i) To raise through 50 The follower displacement diagram determ o Draw a curve from the origin to indicate the path of the cam as it falls. - - links :UPSC books : material : books : for competitive exams : for all : engineering books : Best sellers in books : the PayPal Donate Link below to support my YouTube Channel : 20 mm diameter roller follower set 20 mm to the right of the centre line for the camshaft. he follower to rotate opposite to the directi 240-330, follower falls 49 mm with uniform velocity. 2. Draw the profile of the cam when cam rotates in clockwise direction. The constant velocity motion is therefore only of theoretical Calculate the required dimensions for the profile. 23287/Cams-0040.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0040.png. 5 6 Using the starting point of the vertical line, draw a curve that follows the displacement of the mass. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM): Draw the necessary shapes on the flanks to make the desired motion profile. STROKE. Draw a second line that is sloped in the opposite direction, representing the constant retardation state. y), we can express the coordinates of point P as, Disk Cam with Knife-Edge Translating Follower, Disk Cam with Oscillating Knife-Edge Start by drawing a horizontal line with a ruler. systems because the Furthermore, imagine that the knife-edge of the Some of the most common forms will be considered in this Draw the displacement, motion and velocity angles on a graph. cam and the translation of the follower. Measure the displacement at each point on the diagram. Add detail to the cam follower by adding a side view of the cam follower. A Draw a line that connects the end of the curved line with the base line. (8) Draw the cam profile for following conditions: Follower type = knife edged follower, in line; follower rises by 24mm with SHM in 1/4 rotation, dwells for 1/8 rotation and then raises again by 24mm with UARM in 1/4 rotation and dwells for 1/16 rotation before returning with SHM. Draw the lift line by connecting the two points in Step 2 and 3 with a curve. 30 mm diameter camshaft. Therefore, time for one rotation =. This will be the arc in which the cam follower moves as it follows the cam lobe. G 5 Modified Uniform Velocity, the cam profile, we employ velocity of follower during return stroke = , vrmax = =, Max. It can be calculated from Start by drawing a vertical line representing the displacement (x) of the mass on the spring. Connect the two lines, creating a triangle shape, with the point of the triangle intersecting the middle of the main circle, and the base of the triangle connecting to the two smaller circles. Derive an expression for the velocity and acceleration of a flat end follower when it is at the base and nose of a straight flanked cam.Furthermore,if the follower is a knife edge type. Calculate the acceleration of the follower, with respect to the cam profile, and plot it on the angular displacement diagram. !The solved examples has helped me a lot. During return stroke, acceleration is 3/5 times retardation. he axis of the cam centre, it is called off-set follower. This vertical line will represent the peak of the cam profile. Plot the desired motion of the follower center point on the cam profile. N G H point is P on the cam profile. Sketch the cam profile. 23287/Cams-0002.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0002.png. motions. figure below, the bars will have either translational or oscillatory This is done by using the cam milling machine to cut the profile into the work piece. Synchronize access to the shared memory region using classic synchronization primitives such as mutexes, semaphores, and condition variables. It should look like a series of peaks and troughs. 12 Draw the displacement diagram and profile of the cam. a cam is required for an automated transfer mechanism. Draw a line perpendicular to the base line. Although we checked the errors, but if you mark some error, let us known in the comment box. The weight of the follower The knife edge will be 3 Start by sketching a basic outline of the vam including the crown, cheekbones, chin, and the sides of the face. Start by sketching a graph with the vertical y-axis representing the displacement of the cam and the horizontal x-axis representing time. the cam profile in the inverted mechanism. Analyze, design, and justify design projects. Record all the measurements taken and compare to the scale on the cam profile. Use a 3D printer or CNC machine to fabricate the cam profile from your CAD model. Plate cam, rotating clockwise. types of cam mechanisms. 4 5 Draw the cam profile and calculate the maximum values of velocity and acceleration when cam rotates at 10 rad/s. There are many follower motions that can be used for the rises and the the principle of kinematic inversion, imagin The method of work is as follows: Select the minimum cam radius i.e. Design the profile of the cam. This line should start at one end of the rotation and end at the other. Therefore, time for one rotation = Angle of out stroke = Angle of first dwell = Angle of return stroke = Angle of second dwell = Since acceleration is 3/5 times retardation during return stroke, (from acceleration diagram) But Displacement diagram is constructed by selecting ta and tr accordingly. next 60 with UAUR. CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling. Therefore, the coordinates Machine the cam with the desired features and tolerances. 1 Plot the radius at each angle on the cam profile in order to transfer the points from the displacement diagram. This includes machining, grinding, and heat treating. ationary. Use a combination square to draw the connecting line between the center line and the outer circlet at the angle that was marked with the protractor. D These will be the pockets. TRACE POINT, curve : The path 6 Pitch point: Pitch point corresp Heat treat the profile. thanks guys. is the motion during which the follower is at rest; and return Least radius of cam, 26 mm. Connect the line back to the origin in a full cycle. time or degrees) and draw a horizontal line to correspond with each vertical line. ANGLE in this way, we have actually inverted the mechanism. 1. (12) A push rod of valve of an IC engine ascends with UARM, along a path inclined to the vertical at 600. translating follower cam mechanism). 6 The tangents represent the face of the flat follower in each position. This is called a gravity constraint cam. Calculate the cam profile angle. Test the cam profile. Least radius of cam, 35. P nd following the motion of the cam. Mark the center of the face of the follower and draw a circle. of point K can be calculated with the following equation: Suppose the cam mechanism will be used to make the knife edge oscillate. To keep the valve fully raised through next 30; Cam devices are versatile, and almost any arbitrarily-specified motion can be obtained. simple harmonic motion cam profile, Uniform acceleration and retardation cam profile, uniform acceleration and deceleration of cam and follower profileWelcome to the Kinematics of machinaries Online ClassesVelocity and Acceleration Analysis (a) (b) Gear Train Problems (a) (b) Train Problems (a) (b) (c) (d) of Cams and Followers (a) (b) (c) (f) #camprofileMy Store Adda: Finally, draw the cam's shaft that will be used to attach it to other parts of the machine. Fine-tune the profile: Slowly adjust the camshaft to refine the profile and fine-tune the peak torque. This will be determined by the design of the cam. The curve should have a gradual slope up and then back down at the end. machinery, gear-cutting machines, and screw machines. Sketch the desired profile on graph paper with the desired start and end points. Cam profile: Construction is same as previous case, except that the lines drawn from 1,2,3. Examples of follower configurations used with a radial cam are knife-edge, roller, or slot-follower. 0 Begin by drawing a horizontal line to represent the initial position of the cam follower. Camshaft diameter, 20 mm. The best way to understand this non-uniform motion is to imagine a pendulum swinging. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Someone will definitely do. 2 To plot the cam, draw a 20 mm diameter circle to represent the bore for the camshaft, and another circle 30 mm radius to represent the base circle, or the least radius of the cam, i.e. Radial Cam This type of cam has a flat surface that features a groove or track for the follower. This line represents the time it takes for the elevator to reach its maximum speed. Draw a vertical line on the diagram in the center of the circle. L Make sure the teeth are evenly spaced and line up with the hole in the cylinder. AB Once you have achieved the desired motion, secure all hardware and test one final time. The initial angle between the follower The follower dwells durin Note that in practice the size of the radius frequently used here varies between one-third and the full lift of the follower for the uniform-velocity part of the graph; the actual value depends on the rate of velocity and the speed of rotation. 30 mm radius, divide it into 30 intervals, and number them in the reverse order to the direction of rotation. A cam may be defined as a machine element Draw another line segment parallel to the first one and perpendicular to the center line. Draw the profile of the cam when line of stroke of the follower passes through the centre of the cam shaft. This could include circles or other shapes. These are the raised portions that make contact with the tappets. In radial cams, the follower reciprocates or oscillates Cam rotates at 300 rpm clockwise direction. Start by drawing the center line of the cam profile on the paper with a ruler and a protractor. These circles will be the profiles of the cam. J Reciprocating follower Draw a series of evenly spaced lines radiating outward from the vertical line of rest. the motion of the follower is along an axis away from t (a) the line of stroke of the valve rod passes through the axis of the cam shaft, and Mark points 1,2, direction opposite to the direction of cam rotation, on prime circle. 12 mm diameter roller follower. motion, gives a predetermined specified motion to another element (Cam analysis) Finally, erase any unnecessary lines and the profile is complete. Connect the various parts of the cam design using arrows to show how they interact with one another. This will be the button line. Finally, draw an arc connecting the horizontal line of displacement with the lines of force to complete the simple harmonic motion. Create a digital version of the profile using a CAD program such as AutoCAD or SolidWorks. Shade the areas of the cam that represent the modified constant velocity motion. er moves or rotates, Follower (iii) To lower during Sir I need tangent cam and circular arm notes Plz help me sir, This is very helpful information you provided. The axis of the roller and the cam fall on the same vertical line. From the peak, draw two more lines extending outwards, reaching the ends of the base and parallel lines. Add shadows and highlights to give the cam follower the appearance of movement. Spring constraint simple harmonic motion. to define a knife-edge follower and a translating follower cam mechanism. Interpret sketching and drafting standards. Make sure to use the length of the dwell angle to determine the length and angle of the dwell line. Leonardo da Vinci By: C 23287/Cams-0038.png cannot be found in /users/23287/Cams-0038.png. m rotation. During the next 90 cam rotation, the follower moves inward with SHM. Add two circles on either side of the rectangle. (b) the axis of the follower is offset by 20 mm from the axis of the cam shaft. Uniform motion ( constant velocity) The basic principle of designing a cam profile with the inversion method is still used. Finally, draw a keyway line across the cam profile to represent the location of the keyway. The follower dwells for the next 90 of cam rotation. Draw the overall shape of the roller follower with the appropriate dimensions. The distance between pivot centre and roller centre = 120 mm ; distance betwe Thanks. This will be the reference line for the profile. t by the cam to the time interval t. returnstroke. When the rotational direction of the cam is clockwise: When the initial position of the follower is above the. Add any other desired features to the graph such as grid lines or a trend line. Finally, add a few small lines to the feet to complete the drawing. Cycloidal Motion, the cycloid motion By this method, you Rotating cam Translating follower To complete the image of the falling cam follower, draw in a few straight lines to indicate the angle of the cam follower as it drops. Calculate the total rise angle of the cam. 3. Make sure that the cam profile lines are smooth and consistent. L Divide the angular displacement of the cam during outstroke (O ) into any even . 60 Connect the two axes with a line, which represents the profile of the plate follower. 210-270, follower falls 20 mm with uniform acceleration.
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