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lighthouse baptist church staff

Church Finder Profile - The Lighthouse Baptist Church is a Baptist church in Alexandria Virginia. In 2000, He holds undergraduate degrees from the University of Florida and Landmark Baptist College, and completed the Mises University general course in Economics. pastor Lighthouse. Baptist Bible Fellowship International. El Refugio (The Refuge He accepted the calling to preach on Dec. 7, 1990. (619) 461-5561 ext.111. 5:16; she always wants people to see Jesus through her! Andrew and Megan Wheeler - Youth Leaders. He can be reached at Any issues with this website please email the webmaster, Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved -, Links to Friends and Biblically sound sites,, Lighthouse Christian School is a Christian school in York, Pennsylvania, and a ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church of Greater York under the leadership of Pastor Sterling E. Walsh, Jr. Pastor Walsh has been truthfully proclaiming God's Word in the greater York area for over a decade. Church Office business hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Nick also teaches the Prime Time (55 years & up) Sunday School class. After years of faithful service, God called Pastor Bjokne to leap out in faith and plant a church. Daniel started a church from just a handful of people. He has been a pastor for more than 40 years and has also taught in Bible colleges for 30 of those years. Senior Pastor In 2019 Joshua married Alyssa, a former classmate at FBBC&TS. Bro. Matthew and Danielle have two children, Jason and Lydia. STAFF John Schopf, Pastor Pastor John Schopf and his wife, Heather, came to Lighthouse in April of 2008. We believe God has a purpose for every individual and we extend an invitation for you to come and be a part of Lighthouse Baptist Church! He desires to teach young people to build their lives on the firm foundation of Gods Word and he loves to have fun along the way. Not long after, Jennifer earned anEducation Specialist degree from Valdosta State University. Before coming to Chillicothe he served as Assistant Pastor at the Bible Baptist Church in Wilmington, Ohio for 5 years. Eau Claire, WI 54703. Lighthouse Baptist Church of The East Bay Service Schedule Sunday Morning Service: 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 PM Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 PM Adult Bible Classes and Sunday School Sundays at 10:00 AM Jr. Church Sundays at 11:00 AM Contact Us 118 Neal Street Pleasanton, Ca 94566 (925) 846-7220 Daniel Duke Lead Pastor Daniel has been the lead pastor of Lighthouse since July, 2021. He was brought on staff in 2022 and has done a tremendous job! In 1998, he completed his Doctorate of Ministries at Covenant Theological Seminary, but he considers his greatest honor coming from the City of Bridgeton when he received the Volunteer of the year award for 2018. Shane is involved with several Bible Studies in the local schools including: Chillicothe Middle School & High School, Unioto Middle School & High School, Zane Trace High School, and RCCA. In 2005, Daniel and Laura were approved as BBFI missionaries to the Lighthouse Baptist Church | MEET OUR STAFF The Staff of Lighthouse We would love to meet and get to know you. He met his wife, LaVonne, and they married. Laura has been the Childrens Ministry Director at graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor degree in Biblical Studies. Jennifer is a Bulloch County native. The North Campus is located at 400 Chamber Drive, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601. All are faithful and active in church. God led him to start Lighthouse Baptist Church in 2003. Evening Service 7:00pm Perry Cleek, Pastor. 7085 Gratis Jacksonburg Road Camden, Ohio 45311 937-787-3618 Welcome to Lighthouse Baptist Church's website! Shortly after graduating from Pensecola Theological Seminary in May 2021, Matthew and his wife Danielle moved to Minnesota to join the staff at Lighthouse as a pastoral intern. Lighthouse since August, 2021. Zach serves as an assistant Pastor at the church and helps in the youth department. Jeffery Hall was saved on February 25, 2008, at the age of 15, during a Mid-Winter Teen Revival in Douglasville . A former prosecutor, Jim has a broad range of experience in financial, legislative, and tax issues, and is a certified mediator. Laura, and his three children, Katelynne, Isaac and Emma. They were called to Lighthouse where her husband is currently the lead pastor. Second Service 10:45am From left to right: Mike Robie, Fred McPherson, John Brock and Elijah Laramee. In his free time, Pastor Keith enjoys golfing and fishing. Lighthouse Baptist Church Welcome! Pastor Paul Arcand leads with compassion. He joined the Lighthouse Baptist Church Staff in June of 2016. Hannah serves as the Children's Director and heads up LBC Kidz Club at the church. A Bible passage that is meaningful to him is Titus 1:2-3. In 2021, God called her family back to the U.S. Staff members may be graduates of the following colleges, universities, and seminaries: Liberty University. While the above are considered "Staff", we also have a wonderful group of teachers, officers, and positional leaders. A Pastor or Church Staff may claim this Church Profile. Upon graduating from BBA, He went to college at Hyles-Anderson College off and on from the fall of 1982 to 1987. They have enjoyed serving in ministry together the past 13 years. He asked Jesus to save him at Bible camp. According to charging. While in Peru, Laura had the opportunity to work with children Kevin Prevett serves as our Minister. Sunday, May 14, 2023 10:00am Brunch and Special Service Pastor enjoyed the opportunities of helping plant another church while in seminary. Having served the Lord in churches in Indiana and Oklahoma, Pastor Corlew has returned to his hometown of Ashtabula as the Assistant Pastor, he heads up the Outreach ministries and is the Office Manager for the Lighthouse Legal Ministries here at Lighthouse Baptist Church." The Hewitts have served as missionaries in the country of Sri Lanka from 2005-2020, where Pastor Hewitt finished his Bachelors degree at Liberty University. Each one is specifically trained in their ministry and is willing to help you in any way. This Baptist Bible Fellowship International church serves Fairfax County VA - Reverend Philip J. Bishop. She has three children, She graduated in 1991 from UM-St. Jarrod oversees the Young Adult Ministry as well as Property & Grounds. He married his high school sweetheart Missy in 1984. I have been an attendee at Lighthouse Community Church for over 15 years now so you probably have at least seen me around. There is nothing more wonderful than to be in the service of . Our Staff. Evening Service 6:00pm, Wednesday 339 P. O. Lighthouse Baptist Church 105 Shun Pike, Nicholasville, KY 40356 - (859) 887-4215 Welcome! The Old Covenant Part 2, Wednesday Evening Service with LiveStream. Thunder), traveling and spending time with his family. Assistant Pastor. husband, Daniel, and baby to St. Louis to do a three year internship at Powerful teaching and fellowship time with, 2023 Lighthouse Baptist Church of Xenia Powered by, The New Covenant vs. relationship with their Savior! Join us for our Fall Revival--October 16-18, 2022! We believe the Bible is God's Word. (Windows / Mac) | Ogg Theora & Vorbis ?.ogv? Providentially, he was led to Cottage Grove, Minnesota. Lighthouse Baptist Church is an exciting church with a love for people that flows from our love for God. For over 20 years, the name of Lighthouse Baptist Academy has been associated with excellence in education. Lighthouse Baptist Church is an exciting church that was started in the summer of 2009 in the city of Xenia. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve the Lord here at Lighthouse Baptist. Our Staff ; Times and Directions . Pastor Tim has been a part of the Lighthouse family for many years having grown up through the youth ministry here. his wife Laura, along with their baby, moved to St. Louis to do a 3 year Church Finder Profile - We believe that the church was created to serve and glorify the Lord. 383 WHEATFIELD STREET | NORTH TONAWANDA, NEW YORK | 14120 | 716.693.8252 . Our Staff We have a passionate and dedicated group of staff at Lighthouse. College with his BA in Missions and Pastoral Studies. Pastor Keith has been the Senior Pastor of LBC since 1982, when it was known as Dorsett Road Baptist Church. The. Wednesday, September 14, 2022. All Rights Reserved, Site Designed by My Virtual Advantage, LLC. Lighthouse Baptist Church began in April of 2013 under the ministry of Pastor Carlos Paim. Currently, she is serving Lighthouse Baptist Church as the Social Media Director. He can be reached at adult Bible classes. LBC had its grand opening service on Easter Sunday, 1998, with a calling of God to reach a community and to influence a world for the cause of Christ. Pastor David Costantino. He served as the General Counsel at the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs. Lighthouse Baptist Church About See all 3324 Dix Hwy Lincoln Park, MI 48146 Independent Bible Believing Baptist We are an independent, pre-millennial, King James, Bible believing Baptist church. When you serve, you are not babysitting, but sharing the Gospel with and discipling every child that walks through our doors. Dr. Walsh also does much of the graphic design for the church. He can be reached at That is why we make no apology for teaching and preaching the Bible. After graduating from Bible College with a degree in youth ministries and spending eight summers serving at a Christian Camp, we are grateful to have him back as our church Youth Pastor. Lighthouse Baptist Church in Eagle Pass, Texas uses the King James Bible and offers traditional worship services in English and Spanish. Welcome to Lighthouse Baptist Church. Missions. Watch for special events nights and be prepared to, Awana Clubs ! Sunday, September 18, 2022Fasting 9-18-2022 Sunday AM. Nick & Cindy Bevan serve as the Care & Senior Director at the church. Our goal is to share the gospel of Christ with others and to teach and preach the truths of the Word of God. Her life verse is Matthew If you are looking for an understanding of the truth from the timeless Book, then you will enjoy Lighthouse Baptist. Meet our Staff. Click the link below to donate. Lighthouse. she and her husband started. In 2002, he graduated from Baptist Bible College with his BA in Missions and Pastoral Studies. 8135 St. Rt. We praise the Lord for a godly pastor and his wife who love Gods Word and who love Gods people. In her free time, Shelly enjoys healthy cooking Pastor C. Gerald Taylor. Lighthouse Baptist Church Staff Pastor David Jordan trusted in Christ in April 1974 in New Salisbury, IN. They . Pastor Loren Bjokne was raised in a Christian farmers home. Our goal at Lighthouse is to offer worship and ministry opportunities for . "Pastor Kevin Corlew was saved at the age of 12, while attending youth camp. She is a sports fan with her favorite teams being the Lighthouse Baptist Church. Shelly . Daniel We are excited to see the Lord working in the lives of believers and through their families. Although she has moved around some, she has lived mostof her life in the southeastern end of Bulloch County. Independent. He was also Aaron came to Lighthouse in 2010, and started working in the children's ministry. Andrew was saved under the preaching of his Uncle in Strawberry Plains, TN, and Megan was saved while . Pastor Greg Kern and his wife, Amanda, planted a church in Sacramento, California area in the early 2000s. They faithfully labored watching Gods blessing as the church grew and prospered. . Laura Yancey serves as the church secretary. Deacons. Families here have discovered the joy of being part of a friendly Bible-believing church that works hard to meet the needs of every age group. Services Sunday Sunday School: 9:45am Morning Service: 10:45am Evening Service: 6:00pm Wednesday Free Family Supper: 5:45pm Midweek Service: 6:45pm Location Lighthouse Baptist Church 9979 80th St. S Cottage Grove, MN 55016 Live Stream Watch our services live on Sunday morning at 10:45am and Sunday evening at 6:00pm. Pastor Tim Hewitt served in the United States Air Force from 1992-1998. He has a heart for the children here at Lighthouse and provides a fun element to . Although she has moved around some, she has lived mostof her life in the southeastern end of Bulloch County. After two and a half years of college, I returned home, where I met and later married my wife, Terry, in July 1986. Larry Cochran. For a complete list, just follow this link: Lighthouse Baptist Church believes that God's Word provides the only solid foundation on which to build your life. and seeing people come to know Christ as well as helping people to deepen the We are praising the Lord together for His Grace, His Love, and His Mercy. Since starting with 8 people in July of '09, we have seen God do an awesome work as the church has grown to an average attendance of 500 people! Andrew and Megan Wheeler have been members of Lighthouse Baptist Church since May of 2011. He graduated from Maranatha Baptist Bible College in 1985, and married his wife, Terri, in 1986. ASSISTANT PASTOR They are parents of two sons and one daughter. She has been playing and singing with the praise band since 2012. He has a passion to reach the lost in Flint and around the world, and to reach out to needy adults and children everywhere. Braydon Teach. Lighthouse Baptist Church is One Church, Three Campuses, with One Cause! He loves hanging out with his wife, bike riding, watching sports, camping, fishing, and is proud of his kids desire to serve the Lord. Bro. Pastor Joshua's grandpa served in pastoral ministry for over four decades in Iowa, his parents were short-term missionaries in the Philippines when Joshua was a baby, and his parents prayed his whole life that God would call him into ministry. We have five children, and praise to the King that all five of them are walking with the Lord. We are blessed with five children; Sarita (husband Jeff), Heather, Billy, Caleb, and Cody, and one grandson. A Bible Verse that is meaningful to her is P. (Linux). GLBM. School Leadership Team Principal Blair Harp Deputy Principal Alice Bakss School Pastoral Leader John Buchholz Head of Department: Science and Mathematics Brett Bleakley Teaching for Learning Team Curriculum and Learning Coordinator (P-6) Jasmin Smyth Students With Additional Needs Coordinator (P-12) Rachel White [] Meyer leads Family of Faith ministry for young couples and the Kids Club junior church on Sunday mornings. Get Connected. A great place to learn more about the Bible and the life of Jesus. Through the giving of God's people, Lighthouse supports the following missionaries: , GLBM. Jim received his Juris Doctor degree from the Northern Illinois University College of Law. Bro. Staff With Jesus as our example, the staff of Lighthouse are privileged to lead, guide and serve. View Profile. His wife, Mrs. Cat Kings Kids, Nursing Home, Reformers Unanimous. He also teaches the Auditorium Bible Class, plays trombone in the orchestra, and sings in the choir. We believe God has a purpose for every individual and we extend an invitation for you to come and be a part of Lighthouse Baptist Church! Daniel has been the lead pastor of Lighthouse since July, Sermon Media. A couple of Bible verses that is meaningful to him are Philippians 4:8 and 2 Timothy 2:2. enjoys playing volleyball, sports (specifically the Cardinals, 49ers and the Heather, while staying at home with their four children, assists in John's ministry as she is able and also pursues music composition for her family music ministry, Forever Be Sure. Baptist Church) grew from 10 people to 120 in five years. After having fruitfully served in different ministries, Pastor Scheidbach received a unique invitation to take a young church of six months in April of 1995. Sterling Walsh, pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church, said he's simply providing the space for Barton to speak after Barton's organization reached out to the church. Staff | Lighthouse Baptist Church | Chillicothe, Ohio Senior Pastor Ryan Bevan planted the Lighthouse Baptist Church in the Summer of 2003. Senior Pastor -Tom Lemmons. Having been saved at the age of 5, Joshua was baptized at the age of 7 and became an active member in his home church, Faith Baptist Church in Mason City, IA. Jennifer is married to her husband of 20 years, Wes. Pastor Barry Morris will be starting as our Interim Pastor on 19th March 2023, whilst the church is beginning the process of seeking a full-time Pastor. MPEG4 / H.264 ?.mp4? In order to show appreciation, we will be having a dinner at Props Steak & Seafood for all of those who serve in . to Lighthouse Baptist. Pastor Corlew has also been involved in Camp Ministry, Junior Church, and Vacation Bible School. He graduated from Liberty University with a Bachelor . He spent 21 years as a missionary in Port Moresby Papua New Guinea, and as a . After graduating from The Crown College in Knoxville, TN, they were married and made their way up to Alaska. Check out what we believe by clicking here. We moved to Cheyenne and joined Lighthouse Baptist Church (LBC). Our Church Staff - Lighthouse Baptist Our Staff Pastor Merv and Dawn McNair Pastor McNair graduated from Heritage Baptist University in May of 1993. In July 2022, the church voted to have Matthew become the associate pastor after a beneficial year as an intern. 8135 St. Rt. No video playback capabilities detected. The Circleville Campus is located at 520 South Court Street. to the country of Peru. God has blessed him and his wife, Jennifer, with six children. Dr. Janet Walsh teaches the Women of the Word Sunday school class on Sunday mornings. enjoys singing and playing the keyboard, spending time with her family, and directions. Lighthouse Baptist Church - Our Staff - Our Staff. Pastor Greg Kern and his wife, Amanda, planted a church in Sacramento, California area in the early 2000s. Assistant Pastor Barry Phillips . Katelynne, Isaac and Emma who are her pride and joy. Napuunoa is excited about the future of this church and wants to personally extend an invitation for you to visit Lighthouse Baptist Church. Church Profile. We are located close to the intersection of US27 and SR29. Daniels, WV 25832 304-763-9134 . In early 2019, God called them to move to the San Antonio to pastor at Lighthouse Baptist Church. has been working for Lighthouse since 2021. Show her how much you appreciate all she does by treating her to a fabulous brunch and a special service in her honor! Mission Friends (3K-5K), RAs (1st-6th Grade Boys), GAs (1st-6th Grade Girls) Learn more about Lighthouse Baptist Church Send [] . He graduated from Baptist Bible College in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Youth Ministry and Bible. While in Peru, Pastor Rutledge grew up in a Christian home in California. Our heart-felt prayer is for you to know Christ as your personal Savior and be involved in a church home that cares for you, and in which you can grow to be more like Christ and serve Him faithfully. Pastor Russ has been the serving as full-time staff at LBC since 1995. After the Air Force, he went to Atlantic Baptist Bible College, and eventually returned to serve his home church in Omaha, Nebraska. Kevin has been married to Lisa for 28 years and they have three children. 650 Grandview Rd. Dr. Dennis Corle will be our guest speaker. has been working for Lighthouse since 2021. Copyright 2022 Lighthouse Baptist Church. Sunday School 9:45am Box 356 Vincent, OH 45784 He and his wife Michal have five children: Fenton, Elam, Nolan, Gabe & Sammy. After graduating high school, he served in the Army and then 10 years as a mechanical Engineer. She also serves in the nursery and plays the violin in the church orchestra. Pastor yielded to Gods call and began searching for a community that needed a Gospel witness. Staff - Lighthouse Baptist Church Staff Home Staff Our Pastoral staff is here to help serve the people in the many ministries at Lighthouse Baptist Church. An aviator and artillery officer, Jim served two tours in Afghanistan and received the Bronze Star Medal and Combat Action Badge for his combat service. He and his wife have ministered at Lighthouse Baptist Church in Cottage Grove since 1985. He married his high school sweetheart Missy in 1984. Visit to see all the exciting things going on at LBC and consider making it your home. Staff | Lighthouse Baptist Church. When shesnot working, Jennifer enjoys reading, walking, and kayaking. Pastor David Hetzer. My wife, Berta, and I have been married since 1989. Main Worship Service @ 11am central. Staff - Lighthouse Baptist Church Staff Loren Bjokne - Pastor Pastor Loren Bjokne was raised in a Christian farmer's home. It's a time . Pastor Jordan, a native Texan, stays active overseeing several areas in our church body including music, Sunday School, Master Clubs (kids program), and more. In his free time he enjoys video games, camping and baseball. He accepted the calling to preach on Dec. 7, 1990. In 2005, he and Laura were approved as BBFI missionaries Pastor Nathan Walsh graduated Valedictorian of his class at West Coast Baptist College. Pastor Brian Blount. Kevin Prevett serves as our Minister. Senior Pastor Ryan Bevan planted the LighthouseBaptist Church in the Summer of 2003. He attended Boston Baptist Bible College and Lighthouse Baptist Church Ashtabula, Ohio WHAT WE BELIEVE LBC MINISTRIES Teen Program Master Clubs Nursing Home Music Program Young Married Nursery Ministry Junior Church Ladies' Ministry Singles' Ministry Seniors' Ministry Helps' Ministry Bus Ministry Homeschool Visitation Program MEMBER PAGES Pictures Videos Live Broadcast Audio Files Library With the tremendous influx of workers from all over the world who had moved to Christchurch for the rebuild after the earthquakes, Lighthouse Baptist quickly became a very multi-cultural church. Some of his main emphases on staff include children's and youth ministry, music, missions, and technology. He and his wife, Betty Jo have five children and 21 grand children, all serving the Lord. John is originally from the State of Washington and enjoys reading, road trips and a good cup of dark coffee. First Baptist Church, Flushing, Michigan, as Youth Pastor, and. After being read a quote. With a background serving in the Marines, then in aviation electronics, Pastor Kern connects with folks from various backgrounds and desires to help others to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. Her volunteer roles have included servingin the childrens ministry, youth ministry, prayer shawl ministry, Sunday School, choir, and more.Currently, she is serving Lighthouse Baptist Church as the Social Media Director.Jennifer is married to her husband of 20 years, Wes. I have been the pastor since 2009 at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Gabe serves as the Music Director at the church. Our Pastoral staff is here to help serve the people in the many ministries at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Lighthouse Baptist Church was founded in 1994 by Pastor Dan Steward. I have found the members of Lighthouse to be a warm and welcoming church family, and I know if you visit Lighthouse, you will receive a friendly welcome. He asked Jesus to save him at Bible camp. Church Staff. Watch our Services Contact us. and baking, cycling, and playing with her grandkids. Phone: (740) 678-2738. Nathan Walsh joined the Lighthouse Baptist Church staff in the Spring of 2016. Since then the Lord has blessed with a wonderful facilities and a faithful active membership in ministries of John and Romans (Seedline), third-world church planting, jail ministry, and a radio ministry. He and his wife Elizabeth were married in December 2021. Pastor | Lighthouse Baptist Church When We Get Together - Our Meetings Experience the presence of the living God as we meet with Him here in His house! God led Doug and Patti back to the States and then, in 1981, to the Lighthouse Baptist Church of San Diego, California. Here we present clear Bible preaching, a warm friendly atmosphere, a vision for the . Herman Niblett He was saved on September 10, 1998 at Bible Baptist Church in Marysville, California, just outside of Beale A.F.B. Laura in various ways. instrumental in helping two other churches get started. . She also developed the childrens program in the church that Read More Where We Get Together - Our Map In 2002, he graduated from Baptist Bible Wednesday Evening 6 pm. graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor degree in Biblical Studies. Where Everyone Is Welcome. 2021. "COVID, it's all good," Spencer said. Zach is involved with bible studies at Unioto Middle School and RCCA Intermediate. Kevin has been married to Lisa for 28 years and they have three children. Pastor John Schopf and his wife, Heather, came to Lighthouse in April of 2008. Mom is a superhero! Over the thirty plus years at LBC, we have served in . Lighthouse Baptist Church - Nelson Bay - Staff. She is a ladies conference speaker, author of several books, and the author of the Lighthouse Kids Klub program which is used in hundreds of churches across the country to help instruct children. Louis with a BA in Psychology. Lighthouse Baptist Church I'm New Service Times and Directions Prayer Chain Sign Up Are You Sure? He eagerly went to Bible College and helped to start a church near his hometown while attending Bible College. He lives with his wife, . Assistant Pastor & Director Of Missions. Kevin came to Lighthouse Baptist Church in June 2013. My Story. 2023 Lighthouse Baptist Church. During that time he completed a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies from Faith Baptist Bible College. Pastor's Name: Norberto Garza. Charles Meyer joined the Lighthouse Baptist Church staff in the June of 2019. He also teaches a Bible class at for the school and oversees websites and technology. Pastor Dan & Terri are extremely grateful for the wonderful people God has given them to serve with at Lighthouse! While at Faith,he had the opportunity to serve in churches of various sizes, including a rapidly growing church in Ames, IA and a small church plant in Bennington, NE. Before starting Lighthouse Baptist Church in Lebanon, IN he served as the Youth Pastor for The Lighthouse Baptist Church of Indianapolis, IN (1990-2000). In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family, trying new restaurants, and going to thrift stores. God has tremendously blessed both his Godly preaching and teaching as he faithfully, Biblically, leads the work of reaching those in Ashtabula and its surrounding area! Adult Bible Study. During that time he has served in many aspects of the local church including Principal, Bus Director and Outreach Director.

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