mindrender illucia duel deck

[Update: April 2023], Top Hearthstone Reno Decks Played at Legend (Standard & Wild), Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Secret Quest Reward (Partner in Crime). While Mindrender Illucia previously allowed players to swap their hand and deck with opponents until the next turn, PC Gamer has spotted that balance issues mean the card is getting a totally. Here are the early LoL Patch 13.9 patch notes, Long-awaited Sivir update has finally killed one of LoL's oldest memes, WoW director puts Evoker rumors to rest as Patch 10.1 draws closer, CS:GO's new Anubis collection features 19 ancient Egypt-inspired skins, WoW director credits player feedback pivot for Dragonflight's big bounceback. xBlyzes vs Bunnyhoppor - Group B Winners - Hearthstone Grandmasters Europe 2020 Season 2 - Week 2 (41:40 - 43:40), Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Duels will run on a seasonal system, with each. Again, this is one of those archetypes that have been around since the beginning of Duels, and some of the nicer additions from the later sets added extra staying power to this deck. So you play Exodia? (Duels) Priest - Mindrender Illucia (Duels) Shadow Mend - Priest. Your signature treasure gives you some late-game potential but you need to exert as much pressure as possible, as early as possible, to perform well with this deck. Additionally, you will only have up to seven mana to use while your opponent will have up to ten. 3 stars. While you might not be able to steal much, the tempo loss will severely hurt aggressive players. Don't forget to subscribe for more wild hearthstone content and hit the like button for the YouTube algorithm!Most Wild players suck at playing Mindrender Il. You should avoid drawing or generating cards after playing Illucia, unless you can play them immediately. It costs (0) this turn. On this page, you will find the Priest (Shadow Mend) Decks to play! Priest Decks - Mindrender Illucia. Mindrender Illucia is a priest hero the player can choose in Duels. Also there are few ways to play around clearboards, your minions has specific stats that you cant change so you cant really save yourself from Mass Hysteria or Dragonfire Potion no matter what you do. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? 3 stars maybe?, Hearthstone's Best Arena Hero Class Tier List. For example, The opponent last turn took 5 fatigue damage. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. 3 Nazmani Bloodweaver x 1. Other than poor wild with Brann, I dont see why people are freaking out. Hearthstone Duels Deck: 12 Win Priest (Mindrender Illucia) by Ail_hswild (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void) Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Quest and Control Priest exist in some form, but they aren't very good. Hearthstone Monthly Ranked Rewards: What do you get. I am proud to see my favorite Boss from WoW get a card that abseloutly fits her. How to disable personalized shop offers in Hearthstone? Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Druid RamonLH_HS, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Vanndar Stormpike (8493 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Reno Jackson (7423 MMR), Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), How many Players reach Legend in Hearthstone? This is amazing on so many levels. casting your opponent's. So you gain nothing from swapping with bran. Some examples: 3 Shadow Madness x 1. In Duels, you'll choose a Hero, a Hero Power, a starting Treasure, and build a 15-card starter deck from your collection before facing off against a series of worthy human opponents Dungeon Run -style! Potentially can destroy the whole game experience. Just make sure to pick up enough anti-aggro tools. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. After choosing Infiltrator Lilian, the player can choose one of these as their Hero Power. Can I borrow your Mortal Coils? Lol, youre complaining about unfun cards and then promoting OTK decks. The most unfun card imaginable and of course its a Priest card Sigh. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Priest Mindrender Illucia (Duels) Call of Madness Priest. Hearthstone Dust Refund: Find all nerfed cards with only one Keyword. Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiers, Duels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels, Mysteries of the Phoenix: Warrior and Rogue, Mysteries of the Phoenix: Druid and Hunter. It might be that this card will end up being another Temporus/new Aviana effect and never sees play (aside from combo disruption) when people realize its flaws. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Priest larry3141, Hearthstone Duels 12 Wins Priest Not Rain, Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), How to use Deck Codes in Hearthstone | Import & Export, Top Hearthstone Reno Decks Played at Legend (Standard & Wild), Hearthstone Duels Heroes, Hero Powers & Signature Treasures & Top Decks. However, your opponent will have the ability to do the same to you, and will even draw a card from your deck at the start of their turn. No Penance? This is gonna tilt things sooooo hard. Mecha'thun and Mozaki should still lose to illucia (though I haven't encountered one Mecha'thun player in a couple hundred games at 5-50 legend in wild since the expansion), but druid combo decks were already difficult to sabotage in large part because of the mana differential between Druid with ramp and priest without that will be . Two mana destroy any combo deck is too much, Cant wait to play with this just to mess up a mill rouges final play xD, MY MASTER HAS RETURNED! Find the newest and best Duels Decks - All featured Decks got 12 Wins in Hearthstone Duels! Once you summon Il Blud, you can use its effect to Special Summon Goblin Zombie from the Graveyard. Soul Shear can get the Job done! Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. ), Deck code: AAEBAa0GD+UE1QrRwQKZqQPi3gOH9wOI9wOtigSFnwSJowSKowSitgSktgTbuQT10wQAAA==. And again. 2 mana 1/3 with battlecry: swap hands isnt that good. Contact us for detailed insights, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Priest (10145 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest jamesdrinkwat11, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (11794 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest WarainHS, Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (11276 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (11236 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (10105 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest Not Rain, Hearthstone Duels 12-1 Priest (10968 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (10589 MMR), Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest MenyDelaTorre, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest Markus13, Hearthstone Duels 12 Win Priest (5394 MMR), Hearthstone Top Legend Decks for Festival of Legends | Weekly Report #215, Arcane Giant Kingsbane Rogue #2 Legend Edomiyu (Score: 28-16), Questline Druid #9 Legend kirayamatoXV (Score: 22-11), How many Players reach Legend in Hearthstone? Dont dilly-dally around: face is the place! Illucia makes people suffer. AnyClip Product Demo 2022 NOW PLAYING Feature Vignette: Live Feature Vignette: Management You dont play around them since youre control and youre reacting to their plays. After a round, the player can choose one of three loot buckets, each of which includes either three cards or none, and add them into their current Duels deck. This is a classic control deck that hasnt changed much in terms of basic strategies since the launch of Duels but it now has much greater card quality to work with thanks to The Leviathan and Lightforged Cariel. The opponent has 0% of chance to deal with your board since you don't have board clears as a shadow priest and cheap minions won't do anything in that situation. (Also because I love her so much :D), Youre clearly a priest player and Im not surprised one bit that youre excited to use this cancerous card lol. Signature treasure: Tempests FuryHero Power: Stormcatcher (Passive You cant be Overloaded. 12-2 let's go It turns out casting your first spell twice is a little bit op pic.twitter.com/x49rnKmAsr, The author didnt add any Information to his profile yet. Hearthstone's new expansion is finally available and, with that, a new Duels meta is going to emerge. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Playing Survival of the Fittest on turn five. Turn 5 bran + illucia = win Here are some of the best decks to play, each reaching 12 wins at high MMR. Pick bad options. Maximize your power plays and try to highroll with your combos as much as possible and spike your way to victory. Discover cards? Theres two triggers so there should be two until your next turn effects too. Hearthstone Fireside Gathering Open your pre-purchase bundle packs early! Right now, the best approach is to go full Murloc and maximize your highrolls with Chum Bucket. 2 Shadow Word: Pain x 1. You start by picking your Hero, Hero Power and Signature Treasure, then build a 15 cards deck to take into rogue-like adventure against other players. Gigafin gives you a great comeback opportunity in case the game went longer than you planned for. Hey there! Proof Legend. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! So let's talk about the deck. 4 Brittlebone Destroyer x 1. Original list from Goku who played it #2 legend. Does this card also swap resurrect pools? Hey there! Welcome to Duels, a new competitive Hearthstone game mode that changes every season! Mindrender Illucia Regular Artist: Arthur Gimaldinov Resource Generation Board Control Dirty Rotten Thievery Class: Priest Card type: Hero Health: 20 Full tags Availability Formats Duels Flavor Resource Generation Board Control Dirty Rotten Thievery Card set: TB Cycle: Duels Hero dbfId: 63470 Card id: PVPDR_Hero_Illucia Signature treasure: EmbercasterHero Power: Wyrm Bolt (2 mana Deal 1 damage. The secret is to keep or discover in your deck Mindrender Illucia. Totally destroys every deck in wild with bran. The goal of this Hearthstone Galakrond Thief Priest OTK combo deck is to use Mindrender Illucia combined with Octosari! It could be decent against other control decks, but with power levels right now, Im not sure youd want to. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Priest Mindrender Illucia. Hearthstone Runestones: What are they, how to get them & more. Thanks for the response. The starting deck gives you a strong foundation to build on with greedy late-game resources to set up wins, but you will have to heavily rely on your treasure early on. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! The best deck for Priest in the current Hearthstone meta is Aggro Shadow Priest. Obviously it is Quest Priest. 4 Brittlebone Destroyer x 1. 2.5/5 stars. Of course, it is true that Illucia was hired in the Dark Priest deck and played the role of a finisher that blocks the opponent's one-turn play by holding the field, but until now, Illusia's role when employed in the Con Priest deck was 'combo of the wall deck' Interference' and 'stealing a specific card so that the opponent cannot use it' were . Hearthstone Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Home Duels Decks (Duels) Priest Mindrender Illucia Page 2. At the start of the opponent's next turn, they still take 6 fatigue damage, even though they are drawing from the player's deck and not the opponent's deck. This is a straightforward tempo Murloc deck. Created: 8/6/2021 (United in Stormwind) View in Deck Builder Copy Deck For keman Registered User 5 5 Battle Tag: N/A Region: N/A Total Deck Rating 12 Capn Rokara still gets the job done. In regards to effects that give extra turns: When you take an extra turn (Ex. Welcome to the new site :) . Battlecry:Swap hands and decks with your opponent until your next turn. This is clearly a control card, but when do you play this? A highlander control deck with Zephrys the Great, it relies on Priests incredible survival tools and Druids mana cheating to finish off the games. Priest Cards. Important combo piece? It goes to show Infernal Strike is still good: this build features the same sort of super-aggressive deck that dominated Standard before a bunch of balance changes. Some of the links and other products that appear on this website are from companies Hearthstone-Decks.net will earn an affiliate commission, compensation (Guest post or ads), or referral bonus. Regardless, Well Deserved Hyped card if you know what your doing. Priest is arguably the best control deck there is and, unless Galakrond somehow becomes obsolete, that wont change. Check out our Friends & Partner Page (link) or use the links below: We always look to work with new companies, whatever you like, such as: Sponsored Articles | Direct Ads / Ad Placements | Affiliate | Giveaways | etc. As long as you optimize your mana usage and maximize your tempo, you should be okay. Illucia is mostly used in aggressive Priest decks to lock the other player out from doing anything useful at exactly the moment they hope to stabilise, essentially giving the Priest a free turn. Be very Careful if your playing Control or Handful becuase Priests WILL USE This to interrupt your turn. *Reads it once again*. Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Hey there! This is a hyper-aggressive Rogue deck, one that can fully reload with a well-prepared Ace in the Hole to deliver even more burn damage. Hearthstone Wiki's database has been updated to Patch! Home Duels Decks (Duels) Priest Mindrender Illucia (Duels) Shadow Mend Priest. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. A list of loot buckets for Priest can be found below: Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events. Welcome to the new site :) . Any added spell synergies will make this build even stronger as you progress through your run. Yeah I love Priest Especially since they buffed Shadow Madness and Thoughtsteal! ), Deck code: AAEBAR8P/KMDnssDs94D6ukD8OwDyvsDlPwDoY0E25EEqZ8E2KMEwLkE57kEg8gEjqQFAAA=. So yeah, be catious. It is an aggressive deck now, and can pump out quite a bit of damage. Rokara and The Rat King will give you great late-game value should it become necessary. Home Cards Ability Minion Location Decks Hot Standard Decks Hot Wild Decks Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Mage Priest Shaman Warlock Warrior Forums Home Latest Threads Blue Tracker Members Site Achievements Dungeon Run Bundles Quests and Dailies Hero Level-up Rewards The player takes 3 fatigue damage at the start of their turn, then plays Illucia. It wont even be necessary at all times: the explosive nature of this deck means that you can very quickly finish off opponents who opted for a greedier strategy. ), Deck code: AAEBAbGaBQ+foQP8owPizAPdzQOz3gO63gPO3gOG4gOV7QPK+wOqigS8igShjQTYowSOpAUAAA==. If this kills a minion, summon a Mana Wyrm. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (5831 MMR)(Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void) January 26, 2023. Do the two make the best of their buddy or do they waste the potential? ), Deck code: AAEBAZ8FD4wB3QrK0QOR7AOL+AOoigSwigTgiwSLjQTunwTJoATWoASlrQSwsgSS1AQAAA==. Now control players has a chance to win against combo. Ok, lets get serious. Would be a shame if you had no Antoidas, huh? If Hunter bothers Priest, this wont help. Hearthstone-Decks.net is your Website for Top Hearthstone Decks. Deck code: AAEBAbKaBQ/QwQKYxALf4wKqywPgzAP30QPi3QOF5APQ7APR7AO9gASKjQT8ngT3nwS3swQAAA==. Hearthstone Duels 12-2 Priest (6984 MMR) (Mind Tether | Shadow Word: Void) April 30, 2023; Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. Lokholar the Ice Lord will get you through some of the early matches against aggressive opponents. Completing your spell should be nearly automatic with this deck, and you do have inevitability with your treasure. Queen Azshara serves as your emergency reserve. Use it for yourself. There is no way to stop itit ruins your whole gameplanI LOVE IT! Want a Factsheet about our website & other channels? ), Deck code: AAEBAQcPgrACtd4D/ucDju8D1fEDlfYDlvYDl/YDmPYDz/sDnIEEpooEkLcEssEEjskEAAA=. Now, Hearthstone is always super vague with its wording and sometimes things happen and trigger differently than one might think but I dont see how the combo would just ignore half of the effect when its played twice. Signature treasure: Ace in the HoleHero Power: Roguish Maneuvers (1 mana Equip a 1/2 Dagger. Flavor Text "and that's how I ended up with a Murloc Cultural Studies major." Mana Cost: 3 Attack: 1 Health: 3 Crafting Cost: 1600 / 3200 (Golden) Back in the early Duels days, this hero played as a hyper-control character with a very different archetype. If Warrior is Top Tier, she can take their weapons, but only if she is there when you need her. Go hurl yourself off a bridge. Lady Illucia Barov was a level 43 elite ghost mini-boss found in Scholomance. Like i said there is a card with the exact same wording just exchange deck and hand with heropower and it does perma swap heropowers with bran, Every other word is the same so it will work exactly that way this is fact what you say is just your guess this will release as i said and will get turbo nerfed, And btw you cant double the effect of until your next turn but you can double the first part this is already proofen and happens with few cards, This will destroy wild until nerf Signature treasure: Scales of JusticeHero Power: Power Up! Copy Deck Code. If there are a bunch of midrange decks, like Embiggen Druid, this might end up taking one of their minions while they use up a removal and Illucia did likenothing. (Duels) Priest - Mindrender Illucia (Duels) Call of Madness - Priest. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! If you trigger this effect twice it naturally triggers the until your next turn on two separate times as well. After choosing their Hero Power, the player can choose one of these following Signature Treasures to be added to the starting deck. The website is (almost) daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now! Against aggro yes, they can see your hand also BUT you get closer with a round to late game, the first 4-5 rounds are CRUCIAL in aggro vs. control matches. And again. Posted By: Bachplay2017 - Published: August 6, 2020 - Updated: 3 years ago - Dust Cost: 11,280 Tweet. 2023 Magic Find, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Shadow Word: Death x 1. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Looks like you took care of my earlygame minionsdoesnt matterILL USE YOURS! Insta Craft in Gold, Control Priest meta. , Whatever, is still good. Signature treasure: Valorous Display (Allied: Warrior)Hero Power: War Commands (2 mana Draw a Neutral minion that costs (3) or less. Seems like a very anti fun card. She is my favorite card from this expansion! It is very doable, though, and it is really tough to stop Omus card discounts once they get rolling. Not every Buddy should be in first position, therefore Leeman and Bene needs to act clever. His battlecry was so cool. Zephrys, as usual, is an excellent card in this format. Signature treasure: Traktamer AelessaHero Power: Infernal Strike (1 mana Gain +1 Attack this turn. Lady Illucia Barov was the wife of Lord Alexei Barov and the mother of Jandice Barov. Even using cards inefficiently, like a Shadow Madness just to hit face or Edwin VanCleef with hardly anything on his Combo is fine, since this removes those cards from your opponent. This is very good and it was a MUST in this game. Tempo Priest will use it for sure.

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