the amazing son in law charlie wade novel pdf
i dont know why i still reading this novel but i just hope that the writer will not be like other writers that once the novel is no longer making enough money they just make an stupid ending with too much loopholes and too many question left but worst is that the writer just drop the novel with no ending and start new one and use new screen name, and i just dont understand why the writer is trying so hard to portray the chinese is good and the west is bad, fvck the west and chinese government and other governments is the same they are fvck up we all know that most citizen is good but the government is fvck, btw did the husband and wife did the thing that a husband and wife would do s3x when they go to america? So what if hes a loser, good for nothing with no real skills!? The Amazing Son-In-Law Novel. Got more chapters again some short delivered 6hr faster than yesterday. Inicialmente estaba interesado en la trama del romance, pero l no lo ha hecho ni interacta con la suya en absoluto. ,human nature always thinking about the present not the past, No s que sucede pero desde el captulo 3242 no he podido encontrar ms actualizaciones, Story was great but the waiting was like pulling teeth. Lori Pero ahora le estn dando mucha importancia a sara y avella se olvido. Please note that on other platforms, you got to pay for the chapters. A man that patient deserves a reward!! Normally I dun comment much. Or is it my browser. I feel like a little kid in the car for a road trip!!! There has been no real development of the romance plot between them. because margaret is too powerful. This is not enough. Im stopped at chapter 2384. An queda 1 ao como mnimo, todavia falta para eso, Eso tarda como 6 aos apenas estn en las proyecciones. In fact this 1331-1336 was uploaded yesterday only. que ha pasado que no puedo leer los nuevos capitulos en su registro sale hasta el 3258 , pero si le das siguiente capitulo llega a 3262, al buscar actualizaciones me dice que esta hasta el 3272 pero no me deja avanzar luego del 3262 , que pasa con su pagina o esq ya no subiran capitulos,, Hi, interesting to know how Marven can help Hamid in Syria. Seriously does it end?? What was the reason for Avellas grandfather to have her marry Marven? Hes already cheating her emotionally. No new chapters after 3398???? Marvin will do much better without Avella and her annoying, money grubbing mother Viola. please make a moment for sarah and marven. .. I just hope that you guys could upload the whole story so that we wont be needing to wait. Cant you just appreciate it and be happy that you have something and is absolutely for free. Es el yerno piadoso , es muy similar. Ive caught way more and enjoy it more doing so. When i was able to read continuously it kept me hooked but now its 2 chapters a day.. bleh..its not az great as i thought. Adems, ya lleva ms de un ao fuera de la dependencia de la familia de Claire y an no le permite acercarse a ella. The Charismatic Charlie Wade starts with a luxurious and crowded birthday banquet in the Wilson family mansion. Thank you!!! Actualmente se ha subido hasta el Chapter 3432, pero solo podrn verlos si editan manualmente la direccin. Also it would ruin the story if his wife suddenly becomes an unlikable character. If Avellas grandfather wanted to help Marven to get a benefit in Xiaos family, he should think about this reason for Marven. ac hay unos pocos captulos mas. Currently we are on chapter 3326. La novela es excelente lstima que mo haya un sitio donde estn todos los captulos y tenemos que esperar a diario. Por que yo no puedo ver mas all del 4014? Kalau memang demikian, ya sudah dan terimakasih. Pero Marven si ama a Avella, ah el tema, Expectante de que suceder! Sallam are you going to update the chapter 1985? Eso hace perder la trama de la historia. Por das, semana o mes?? Youre a super rich second generation but she doesnt know that. Nobody will like to marry a construction worker and be laughed at by classmates and friends just because they like being head of the family. Then why is she using the car gifted by her husband and why is she living in the villa owned by her husband? Please update 1566 to 1600.. please kindly update 100 chapter per day, Waiting for chapter 1486+ Amazing son inlaw, we will be glad of we can get 100 chapters per day please! I am not able to read after 3700. See I have to go back and read comments while Im non patiently waiting to continue on!! Hello Mr writer if your really going to make MY a polygamous then I think he should join Barena Wie and his father at changby mountain. Why there isnt any update since 8 August? Tapikan marven ngak salah, karna dia jga ngak pernah mengatakan klau dia mencintai gadis lain, Yo prefiero que se case con Sara y que a Avella le pase un accidente por ah, para que marven pueda tener una familia normal con suegros y no con sanganos como lo son los paps de Avella. 17/09/21 voy acabo de leer el capitulo 3580, no comprendo porque todos van tan atrasados si la pgina es la misma, a veces no aparecen todos los captulos en el lista cuando es as ingreso en el ltimo captulo de la lista y al finalizar la lectura de dicho capitulo aparece next chapter(siguiente captulo) pero antes de eso en el espacio que dice suscribirse ingreso mi email y listo doy click en next chapter, otro detalle es que hasta abajo de la pgina pasando todos los comentarios aparece una bandera dependiendo de tu pas es la que aparece(esto s lo tienes configurado asi) si cambias la bandera actual por la de USA que tambin cambia el idioma te saldrn todos los captulos, la verdad la mayora solo sabe quejarse y para todos aquellos que lo hacen(quejarse) me sorprende que sean lectores, y para el autor mi estimado QASIM KHAN lo felicito, empec leyendo su obra en un post de Fbook y ya no pude parar de leer, sigo atento cada captulo nuevo. Updload more chapter pls quit being stingy 2 chapters a day seriously;( ? With the story carries on, Charlie Wade met a lot of gorgeous women. Oh I'm sorry.I think I am reading chapter 1648it's quite confusing! or else sell us the entire book. But to repeat the same thing for two chapters is a bit too much. As Ive stated before, how much can you really be in love when youre 6? Besides, would you like your own children to be raise in an environment where Avellas father, and mother always fight? Huhuhu, Deberan cobrar para dar acceso a la historia completa y tener a un lector un ao y sin ningun avance, Completamente de acuerdo. One important trigger in The Charismatic Charlie Wade is Charlies hidden identity. only 60 chapters today. She is now countrys top most celebrity with hundreds of millions of fans. I prefer to read and voice my options instead, but thank you anyway. Perdida completa de inters, muy buena al principio pero luego muy mala n vale la pena seguir leiendo. So youre a rich second gen? more than two chapters pleeeeeease!!!!!!!! Those just starting or in lower chapters you are Lucky!! Yo creo que el libro aun no se termina de escribir y por lo menos pienso cuando menos ser de10,000 captulos. Them other tramps feels special and ai dont like it. He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! Me quedo con Sara. (Changing topic quickly) you made me sleep on the floor in the beginning, didnt separate from your family when they insulted me. Es sorprendente Avella engaa a marven lleva pocos meses con otro hombre eso se pone cada vez mejor, en ninguna parte vi que dijera que ella esta engaando a marven, y no creo que lo haga, tuvo para hacerlo cuando marven no era nada y no sentia nada por el, y no lo hizo!, no creo que se atreva hacerlo ahora que hay sentimientos hacia marven, Somebody please recommend a better novel to read. Actualmente estoy en el captulo #2960 y a la espera de que liberen ms. The moment you start reading the novel you find-out there is nothing so amazing about the Amazing son-in-law. Awesome. This is one hack of a plot, I recommend you to read it and form your own opinion. Hi, completed reading up chapter 900.. how many more chapters?, waiting for chapters 901 and up, I think chapter 791 to 795 is missing. So I re-read chapters in different parts of the book. El libro semejante. Youre right though, the dedication Sara and her family had cant be matched but still, Avella deserves a happy ending also. Please upload more chapters at a time and more often. Muchas gracias, Fue muy incmodo el cambio a partir de los captulos 1000, no entiendo por qu cambian los nombres de los personajes, charle ahora es marven y eso hace que el lector se sienta un poco alejado de la historia inicial, la seora willson ahora es xiao, no es agradable, Si Te Doy Toda La Razn Ami Me Deja Zona bulo Asta La Seorita DU Ahora Se Llama Sara Eso de Cambiar Los Nombres No Va Bien En La Historia lo Deja Stupe Factado Todo A Uno No Saber Quien En Quien Por La Trama De Estar Cambiando Los Nombres, Dejen de ser tan complicados, el socio nos esta haciendo el favor de subirnos captulos de esa gran novela, sea est sacando tiempo suyo para complacernos a nosotros y ustedes solo critican que son muy pocos captulos que suben y eso, tienen que tener en mente que el man tambin tiene una vida por fuera y no puede estar todo el da actualizando captulos, solo sean agradecidos de que esta pgina no nos cobra por leer como en todas las anteriores pginas, este man es mi hroe, Pueda que tengas razn, pero habemos lectores que cuando nos interesa un libro estamos dispuestos a pagar, no es que tengamos dinero a montones sino que el habito de lectura nos ha enseado a comprar nuestros libros y leerlos de la forma correcta sin perder el hilo entre capitulos.. saludes estimado. Turn this into a series or movie on netflix. At the same time, the hero and son-in-law always lives in his wifes parents house and earn his life by serving the family and their company. Thanks! Assalamo alaikom warahmatullahi wabarakato, Most satisfying ending would be MC to set up his own kingdom like in an island if harem plot developes or live separately with his wife and children and not caring about what happens to father in law or mother in law or the Ye Family. The lady who has brought him up at the orphanage from the age of eight is suffering from a life-threatening disease. Waiting for chapter 1811 and above, Nanako is the clear choice. You think the child will be depressed, mentally traumatized and might commit suic*de seeing his/her grandpa grandma bickering? They were not in love in initial 2 years so now that theyre happy and developing feelings for each other lets get them separated what kinda d*me logic is this No tiene sentido si se queda con ella al final. So another question is why he didnt declare his true identity in public all the time? Yes you had to sleep in floor for 3 years but I guess no one will actively let a unknown construction worker with no skills have husband wife relation with her just after the marriage right? And to answer your question she respected her Grandfather much and obeyed him. He was treated as a servant which is way better than working in a construction site at least. Compre el libro en Amazon y no est completo, This story is dragging out!, enlace atascado en el capitulo 3580 desde el 17 de noviembre, Here. You say shes some trillionaires daughter and has billions of fans so (screaming) EXACTLY HOW MUCH SACRIFICE SHE DID? Been waiting for half a day. He has never treated his wife badly, on the contrary he arranged for Lori to make sure that she succeeded. Era tratado como el criado de la familia y ella como la reina se dejaba atender, ese es el papel de una esposa. I have to agree. ARE YOU EVEN A F*KING MAN THEN? " Claire, look at the piece of trash you're married to! So I have 4 small chapters to read later. My only issue with your thinking is about why she refuses to have s3x with him. Why didnt Avellas grandfather let Terasa marry Marven? But today no chapters posted. Dragging so many characters together carrying so many events. The things you are talking about concerning love, are different in different cultures and one cannot assume that everyone, and every culture adopts the same principals. Un saludo a todos! I truly hope this novel comes out in book form or kindle when its done ill buy it and read it again. If you cant open any chapter simply change the digits in this link in your browser URL. But but you told me that if you ever found me to be a rich person, youll divorce me. However, there is another author named Charlie Wade with whom this novel is attributed. If youll divorce me if Im turned out to be a rich second generation then why did you accept the 2 BMWs and the Villa and the expensive gifts Im giving you? Quarantined at home messing with us and writing a book that NEVER ENDS!!! this new trend is horrible. Quede en el 2624, Esta muy buena la trama, solo me frustra un poco que suban pocos captulos cada da, me gustara que al menos subieran 10 por da. or Upload till 3500 chapter. Marvin has become powerful with his knowledge from there profound book and has created many allies. are the remaining chapters available ? Of course they will show him respect. Yet your twisted mentality thinks that Japanese girl is more suitable since shes more passionate about him . Balky, in mainland China.. traditionally a woman keeps her name after marriage (the child normally takes the fathers name) thats why Avella hasnt taken his name. right? Por qu no podra? I believe Avella deserves Marven more than Sara or anyone. Hi Qasim, can you please update The Protector from chapter 2332. The novels name is literally The Amazing Son in Law. The one who stood by his side for 3 years when he was just a construction worker, the one who never looked down or mean behaved her husband despite him being just a jobless guy with no talents, the one gave him shelter and food didnt divorce despite her mothers frequent nagging that she should divorce and you want Marven to be a ungrateful sumbag to abandon her? I understand the sentiments of most people here Avella and Marven are Married, Avella helped Marven in his darkest hour. The Amazing Son in Law - Amazing Charlie Wide - The Millionaire Son In Law - Complete Lord Leaf Jul 19, 2016 - Young Adult Fiction - 3584 pages 2 Reviews Reviews aren't verified, but. View PDF. Ive indeed enjoyed reading all those chapters. Didnt stand by me as much by then. Its a good thing that the storys time line is serial unlike the untamed where references and back stories of each character En lo personal, manifiesto que no importa cunto dur en terminar la obra, seguir esperando los prximos capitulos. Grandpa knew something when he arranged their marriage. Im really impressed, how you all made your opinions, in my own opinion, who ever the writer he decides to pair with Marvin between Sara and avella is fine, provided the losing end is properly compensated because both of them really made huge sacrifices. Already SPENT via coins style and was able to listen to others who converted to Mr Qasim site. notice the chapter seem to be getting shorter now. It is also a mark of a good writer that by reading his work, you get into the shoes of the characters created. Marvin seems to have more attraction towards Nanako. Its very exciting. Youre losing it already, why all those unnecessary lines. I will make sure that nobody disrespects him in front of me or give anybody a chance to disrespect him. . Looking forward to chapter 2011. Yes!!! I need more chapters! I think it is based on Chinese law they are only holding a marriage certificate and they are not totally married yet, they probably have not still made a vow, as mentioned in the previous chapter by Zhiyu that they could not get to marital affairs even after 4 years.. a lot will happen and the turning point will be the concert, also Sarah affection is real she could have fallen in love with other men on her teens she didnt it was pure, much pure than Avella and to note she held in to him when they were children so the question of money and status is out they dont care much about those but it will be sad for her because in the end I know Marven will still chose Avella there will be a time in this series they will be separated due to circumstances like for their safety or even for Avella knowing his secret identity and will start to wonder if she married an honest man there was a similar story to this My Husband Who are you? but when the story expands to extra terrestrials, science fiction and mysticism waaay too much I dropped it half way except for this the mysticism is still within the bounds of common beliefs and that is why it is acceptable for me, Anyway always uncomfortable for me when the wife is abandoned in any novel. Oh. Why not upload all the chapters of this novel, Please upload more chapters 2443 onwards of the amazing son in law. If she needs more financial stability, Marven can give it to her. Very nice novel more girls to Marven but only avela is the legal woman to hand with, Por favor baje por lo menos 10 captulos diarios, , . Avella was good-natured and beloved granddaughter of grandfather. Your childhood sweetheart has a wealthy family behind her to support her in every step. Please load more stories. Esta historia se ha vuelto demasiado complicada y no ha habido resoluciones reales para ninguna de las subtramas. Please.. Thanks, Sor please upload more chapters i am still hanging up on the cliff already read 1991 to 1995. Even Dave!? Hola xq no puedo leer ms captulos de esta historia me quede atrapada en esta novela y ya no me deja abrir plis no me abandone. Encounters that are full of sus. He seems to be more physically attracted to Nanako as well. I should give her a happy ending. Si estan de acuerdo en ello, por qu no dejarlos ser? Good novel. Thank you again. Any how I find it disgusting to read about the father-in-laws love life because that character is a weak, coward and a good for nothing garbage. Untuk dapatkan novel sampai bab terakhir bagaimana cara belinya ? As for Meiqing becoming Avellas stepmother the concept isnt bs!!! Sara is Team Too Much!! Tks. por otro lado no se si bien es el yerno de Xiao; habr una especie de harem finalmente? Las ramas de esta historia cada vez son ms, que el autor va a necesitar obras secundarias para poder terminar esta historiao tal vez no ha pensado terminarla y estamos condenados sus seguidores. Charlie Wade was the live-in son-in-law that everyone despised, but his real identity as the heir of a prominent family remained a secret. La verdad es que es muy interesante y me encanta An que si pudiera subir mas capitulos seria estupendo.. Me ha encantado esta novela,he ledo har el captulo 2728, Deberan ser mas serios en la publicacin de los captulos, ya aburre quede por el capitulo 2726, y es bien aburrido. he has a motive to kill marvens parents. se quedo sin actualizar en el 3398. Al final queda con la esposa. Please make a move on this patiently waiting for episode 101, Agradezco mucho que se conparta esta gran historia de forma gratuita. I know you have written more because I can google search the specific page and it pops up. Creo que la razn por la que avella no se separa de marven, es porque antes de morir, su abuelo le cont que l pertenece a la familia ye. This is taking too long!!! It makes the reader irritated because the succeeding chapter cant be access, Love the amazing son in law please up load so I can read with out having to stop for a day or two while waiting for new chapters. Please publish a book, or make a movie! Buenas noches He just wants her to run the shipping business and make him lots of money and destroy the Su family. I know. Por favor arreglen eso para disfrutar la lectura. Equipo warnia pero, Sara le mueve el piso. asi perderemos el interes y comenzaremos a publicar comentarios negativos. Just 2 at a time is killing me. Por favor atiendan esta peticin, saludos desde Mexico! View PDF. Excelente novela me atrap desde el inicio, saludos desde Per, Administrador: debes corregir el nmero de captulo, es 2631, no 3631. Look at your good-for-nothing husband. Haha so you mean one can give gifts to his wife and then its justified that he goes on lingering with other girls? Avella nunca ha amado a Marven, le tiene cario y respeto por su abuelo, y hasta ahora es que esta empezando a sentir algo por el, porque el Marven ahora es muy crack, sin embargo amor todavia no hay. Great! The creator will lose the support and interest of many people before the story actually finishes. She lets him hug her calls him husband do you think shell refuse? Please update the complete novel with complete chapters, The novel is addicting! Ciertamente, la historia ha abarcado mas aspectos, pero a pesar que a veces hay capitulos tipo relleno o que escriben muchos captulos para algo que podra abarcar menos captulos, sigo pensando que la historia es Buena. Something must be wrong with your eyes LMAO where did you read his wife worshipping these materialistic things LMFAO she is clearly worried that these rich people will trouble him and asks him not to take their expensive gifts. If anything she should kowtow to him and be grateful that he stuck around all these years for her sake time for daddy Dave to divorce that crippled shrew and live out the remaining years with his beautiful first love, Meiqing. Me esta matando lentamente la ansiedad. Asks you to stop that business and shell take care of you. 3398 is the last chapter. So the too much detailed description of Daves romance feels disgusting. Wouldnt be surprised if the Wade butler set that up as well to block off Sara. En el mejor de los casos, solo ha habido 2-4 captulos por da. But now it seems youre not even a man. And there is no TV in this room! She needs him to help her with the parents as they age and to protect them but thats it. Did he not waste 20+ years of his life with a woman he does not love solely because of her?! He swore that one day, those who shunned him would kneel before him and beg for mercy, eventually! Ruoli The content provided here is free, if you are looking for proper translation and other options you can read on premium apps. She never looked down upon him, stood by his side despite all the odds, celebrated his birthdays. You have created a book that is fascinating, semi educational, EXTREMELY frustrating and just plain GREAT!! One more thing, shes ambitious and encouraging to achieve her goals in career, which makes her different from other rich but dependent housewives. Thank you! Avella does not deserve Marvin because in the first place, which marriage is this four years no s3x, no children, I think she does not love him as a husband but just was helping him to have a place where he could stay and this cant be called marriage. The medicinal effect of a Rejuvenation Pill is very strong when used on ordinary people. Ella hasta lo tena durmiendo en el piso nunca le corresponde como mujer es solo apariencia que la deje y le haga 3 hijos a Sara. A mi me funciona como un hroe completo, y solo algunas muestras de la fantasa de la cultura China me hacen detenerme, ojala y no funcione la capsula para regenerar las piernas del Sr. Ito, eso me decepcionaria, Suben captulos todos los das, de 2 a 3 captulos cada da, aunque los martes suelen subir 10 captulos.
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