beatrice banning ayer

He was originally intended to return to the 15th Cavalry,[47] which was bound for the Philippines. She loved Lieutenant Patton, and he loved her. [137] Patton apologized to both soldiers individually, as well as to doctors who witnessed the incidents,[138] and later to all of the soldiers under his command in several speeches. Login to add information, pictures and relationships, join in discussions and get credit for your contributions. Those who believed that Displaced Persons were human beings were wrong, Patton said: "this applies particularly to the Jews who are lower than animals." His firearm discharged accidentally one night in a saloon, so he swapped it for an ivory-handled Colt Single Action Army revolver, a weapon that would later become an icon of Patton's image. On Thursday, May 26, 1910, a lovely Spring day, Beatrice Ayer and George Patton were married at Beverly Farms Episcopal Church near Boston, Massachusetts. He was assigned a key role in Operation Fortitude, the Allies' military deception campaign for Operation Overlord. This collection contains some delayed birth records, as well. Beatrice Banning Ayer 1885-1953 - Ancestry I don't care what color you are, so long as you go up there and kill those Kraut sonsabitches! Patton later changed his mind. Advancing on Gabs, Patton's corps pressured the Mareth Line. She was the wife of Brig. He carried an ivory-gripped, engraved, silver-plated Colt Single Action Army .45 caliber revolver on his right hip, and frequently wore an ivory-gripped Smith & Wesson Model 27 .357 Magnum on his left hip. He would not work so I hit him over the head with a shovel". Beatrice Ayer and George Patton met for the first time as children. Patton developed phlebitis from the injury, which nearly killed him. [3] He was also a devoted horseback rider.[6]. [7] The two wed on 26 May 1910 in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. George came running into their flat with a couple of new French swords that he had just purchased. [165] Equally important to the advance of Third Army columns in northern France was the rapid advance of the supply echelons. [150][151] This duty kept Patton busy during the first half of 1944. Sister of Frederick Ayer and Mary Katherine Merrill George S. Patton's Timeline - History [54][60] It was not clear if Patton personally killed any of the men, but he was known to have wounded all three. "[202], Patton, in his new role, oversaw the displaced persons camps in Bavaria, which contained a majority of Jews who had survived Germany's concentration camps in the Holocaust. [242] Eisenhower revealed his reasoning in a 1946 review of the book Patton and His Third Army: "George Patton was the most brilliant commander of an Army in the open field that our or any other service produced. She unsheathed one of the swords and chased "Saber George" around the room, cursing with expletives that should have made her warrior husband proud. [103], Following the German Army's invasion of Poland and the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939, the U.S. military entered a period of mobilization, and Colonel Patton sought to build up the power of U.S. armored forces. Patton, who had been told he had no chance to ever again ride a horse or resume normal life, at one point commented, "This is a hell of a way to die." Patton was dissatisfied with MacArthur's conduct, as he recognized the legitimacy of the veterans' complaints and had himself earlier refused to issue the order to employ armed force to disperse the veterans. Patton cultivated a flashy, distinctive image in the belief that this would inspire his troops. Records have not been acquired for Contra Costa, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Modoc, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Siskiyou, Solano, Tulare and Ventura counties. He named Patton commander of the 2nd Armored Brigade, part of the 2nd Armored Division. Once located, the armored infantry would attack using tanks as infantry support. [121] With orders to take the battered and demoralized formation into action in 10 days' time, Patton immediately introduced sweeping changes, ordering all soldiers to wear clean, pressed and complete uniforms, establishing rigorous schedules, and requiring strict adherence to military protocol. [164], In its advance from Avranches to Argentan, the Third Army traversed 60 miles (97km) in just two weeks. Name : I would never have asked for you if you weren't good. [233] Patton reportedly had the utmost respect for the men serving in his command, particularly the wounded. He pushed them hard, and sought to reward them well for their accomplishments. As a child, Patton had difficulty learning to read and write, but eventually overcame this and was known in his adult life to be an avid reader. Patton was given temporary duty in Washington D.C. that year to serve on a committee writing a manual on tank operations. [212], Patton spent most of the next 12 days in spinal traction to decrease the pressure on his spine. [76], Patton's brigade was then moved to support U.S. Eisenhower called a meeting of all senior Allied commanders on the Western Front at a headquarters near Verdun on the morning of December 19 to plan strategy and a response to the German assault. When Beatrice Banning Ayer was born on 12 January 1886, in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States, her father, Frederick F Ayer, was 63 and her mother, Ellen Barrows Banning, was 32. Edit your search or learn more Public Member Photos & Scanned Documents Pictures She covered the country during WWII raising money during bond drives. "[228], As media scrutiny on Patton increased, his bluntness stirred controversy. In October and November, the Third Army was mired in a near-stalemate with the Germans during the Battle of Metz, both sides suffering heavy casualties. The major U.S. and Allied advantages were in mobility and air superiority. After a brief Episcopal service, she was cremated. July 7 Patton participated in Modern Pentathlon, Olympic Games. Some city and towns records are also included. [95] He used profanity heavily in his speech, which generally was enjoyed by troops under his command, but it offended other generals, including Bradley. Computed Name Heading. When Major General George Smith Patton IV was born on 24 December 1923, in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States, his father, Gen. George Smith Patton Jr., was 38 and his mother, Beatrice Banning Ayer, was 37. [141] Criticism of Patton in the United States was harsh, and included members of Congress and former generals, Pershing among them. He registered for military service in 1914. They then repulsed counterattacks at Gela,[126] where Patton personally led his troops against German reinforcements from the Hermann Gring Division. "[112] It was around this time that a reporter, after hearing a speech where Patton said that it took "blood and brains" to win in combat, began calling him "blood and guts". George Patton | Facts, Biography, Quotes, World War II, & Death One of them occurred in 1912 after George had placed fifth in the Military Pentathlon in the Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden. Beatrice Banning Ayer (1886-1953) FamilySearch He exercised unique leadership by his ability to obtain the utmostsome would say more than the maximumresponse from American combat troops. Patton wore the ring, and it's visible in numerous photos during his life and the war years. [24] He was also descended from England's King Edward I through Edward's son Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent. [122] His uncompromising leadership style is evidenced by his orders for an attack on a hill position near Gafsa which are reported to have ended by him saying, "I expect to see such casualties among officers, particularly staff officers, as will convince me that a serious effort has been made to capture this objective. Patton chose a 10,000-acre (40km2) expanse of desert area about 50 miles (80km) southeast of Palm Springs. Patton took command of the 600 troops of the 3rd Cavalry, and on July 28, MacArthur ordered Patton's troops to advance on protesting veterans known as the "Bonus Army" with tear gas and bayonets. [176] At the Supreme Command conference, Eisenhower led the meeting, which was attended by Patton, Bradley, General Jacob Devers, Major General Kenneth Strong, Deputy Supreme Commander Air Chief Marshal Arthur Tedder, and several staff officers. "[123], Patton's training was effective, and on March 17, the U.S. 1st Infantry Division took Gafsa, winning the Battle of El Guettar, and pushing a German and Italian armored force back twice. The cart was blocking the way of the column. <br><br>I am passionate about working in my community and giving back wherever possible. Third Army logistics were overseen by Colonel Walter J. Muller, Patton's G-4, who emphasized flexibility, improvisation, and adaptation for Third Army supply echelons so forward units could rapidly exploit a breakthrough. [189], By April, resistance against the Third Army was tapering off, and the forces' main efforts turned to managing some 400,000 German prisoners of war. The friendship resulted in marriage in 1910 which lasted over thirty years and . Straddling the line between the home-and-war front, Lady of the Army tells the story of the General's greatest champion in life and fiercest defender in death while shedding new light on a complex personality who wanted nothing more than to die a glorious death on the battlefield. General Bradley and the Army Air Forces General Carl Spaatz shared the number one position, Walter Bedell Smith was ranked number three, and Patton number four. Gen. George Patton's wife put a Hawaiian curse on his ex-mistress. She The Strange and Shocking Similarities Between Donald Trump and "Old During the Allied occupation of Germany, Patton was named military governor of Bavaria, but was relieved for making aggressive statements towards the Soviet Union and trivializing denazification. When Ruth Ellen Patton was born on 28 February 1915, in Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States, her father, Gen. George Smith Patton Jr., was 29 and her mother, Beatrice Banning Ayer, was 29. Still unconvinced, Eisenhower ordered Patton to attack the morning of December 22, using at least three divisions. He compared Nazis to Democrats and Republicans, bringing negative press stateside and angering Eisenhower. The halftrack because the boys in it go all heroic, thinking they are in a tank. They had been slaughtered" Patton is reported to have said: "Try the bastards. On November 20, the British launched an offensive towards the important rail center of Cambrai, using an unprecedented number of tanks. This is not a duplicate memorial. [24] Patton believed in reincarnation, stating that he had fought in previous battles and wars before his time, additionally, his ancestry was very important to him, forming a central part of his personal identity. Beatrice Banning Ayer dating history - Who's Dated Who? beatrice banning ayer - [196] Patton was particularly upset when learning of the end of the war against Japan, writing in his diary, "Yet another war has come to an end, and with it my usefulness to the world. Whenever he speaks to groups in. "[228] During the Battle of the Bulge, he famously remarked that the Allies should "let the sons-of-bitches [Germans] go all the way to Paris, then we'll cut them off and round them up. Patton family - Social Networks and Archival Context George S. Patton and Beatrice Banning Ayer were married for 35 years before George S. Patton died aged 60. [229] His public image was more seriously damaged after word of the slapping incidents broke. [219] Patton's impact on armored warfare and leadership were substantial, with the U.S. Army adopting many of Patton's aggressive strategies for its training programs following his death. [30][31], Patton's first posting was with the 15th Cavalry at Fort Sheridan, Illinois,[32] where he established himself as a hard-driving leader who impressed superiors with his dedication. [254], Referring to the escape of the Afrika Korps after the Battle of El Alamein, Fritz Bayerlein opined that "I do not think that General Patton would let us get away so easily. Under his decisive leadership, the Third Army took the lead in relieving beleaguered American troops at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, after which his forces drove deep into Nazi Germany by the end of the war. [39][40] If his assertion was correct, Patton would likely have won an Olympic medal in the event. A dashing, courageous, wild, and unbalanced leader, good for operations requiring thrust and push, but at a loss in any operation requiring skill and judgment. [156], Sailing to Normandy throughout July, Patton's Third Army formed on the extreme right (west) of the Allied land forces,[156][b] and became operational at noon on August 1, 1944, under Bradley's Twelfth United States Army Group. Both of them had a kind of second sight in regard to this type of warfare. [9] He was an initiate of the Beta Commission of Kappa Alpha Order. [36] Patton was the only American among the 42 pentathletes, who were all officers. She was born Beatrice Banning Ayer in Haverhill, Massachusetts the daughter of Frederick Ayer an industrialist who owned a woolen mill. Martin Blumenson, Patton, George Smith in John Garraty, ed., Encyclopedia of American Biography (1974) p 839. Lgendes hawaiiennes. (1932 edition) | Open Library Central Star Psychiatric Health Facility (PHF) 4411 E Kings Canyon Rd., Bldg. He began traveling, visiting Paris, Rennes, Chartres, Brussels, Metz, Reims, Luxembourg, and Verdun. Erwin Rommel credited Patton with executing "the most astonishing achievement in mobile warfare". [179] Desiring good weather for his advance, which would permit close ground support by U.S. Army Air Forces tactical aircraft, Patton ordered the Third Army chaplain, Colonel James Hugh O'Neill, to compose a suitable prayer. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. [20][21][22][23] Though not directly descended from George Washington, Patton traced some of his English colonial roots to George Washington's great-grandfather. He was very bold and preferred large movements. The armada was hampered by wind and weather, but despite this the three U.S. infantry divisions involved, the 3rd, 1st, and 45th, secured their respective beaches. Patton, Beatrice Banning Ayer, 1886-1953 - Details - Social Networks [57], In mid-April, Patton asked Pershing for the opportunity to command troops, and was assigned to Troop C of the 13th Cavalry to assist in the manhunt for Villa and his subordinates. And he did. Beatrice Banning Ayer boyfriend, husband list. Beatrice Banning Patton formerly Ayer Born 12 Jan 1886 in Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts Ancestors Daughter of Frederick Ayer and Ellen Barrows (Banning) Ayer Sister of Ellen Wheeton (Ayer) Wood [half], James Cook Ayer [half], Charles Fanning Ayer [half], Louise Raynor (Ayer) Hathaway [half], Frederick Ayer II and Katharine (Ayer) Merrill But his army was part of a whole organization and his operations part of a great campaign. [178] Eisenhower was incredulous: "Don't be fatuous, George. The 15th Army at this point consisted only of a small headquarters staff working to compile a history of the war in Europe. [17] He refused to have Jewish chaplains at his headquarters. [217], Patton's colorful personality, hard-driving leadership style, and success as a commander, combined with his frequent political missteps, produced a mixed and often contradictory image. Patton was ordered to keep a low profile to deceive the Germans into thinking that he was in Dover throughout early 1944, when he was actually training the Third Army. This caused Eisenhower to relieve Patton from command of the Third Army. She was born Beatrice Banning Ayer in Haverhill, Massachusetts the daughter of Frederick Ayer an industrialist who owned a woolen mill. His grandmother Beatrice Banning Ayer and Patton were married in 1910. The Third Army claimed to have killed, wounded, or captured 1,811,388 German soldiers, six times its strength in personnel. If you try to go that early you won't have all three divisions ready and you'll go piecemeal." Many military officers claim inspiration from his legacy. Fearing U.S. troops would be sidelined, he convinced British commanders to allow them to continue fighting through to the end of the Tunisia Campaign before leaving on this new assignment. [176] In all, Patton would reposition six full divisions, U.S. III Corps and U.S. XII Corps, from their positions on the Saar River front along a line stretching from Bastogne to Diekirch and to Echternach, the town in Luxembourg that had been at the southern end of the initial "Bulge" front line on December 16. It is no exaggeration to say that Patton's name struck terror at the hearts of the enemy. Beatrice Banning Ayer Patton (1886-1953) - Mmorial Find a Grave [128], When informed of the Biscari massacre of prisoners, which was by troops under his command, Patton wrote in his diary, "I told Bradley that it was probably an exaggeration, but in any case to tell the officer to certify that the dead men were snipers or had attempted to escape or something, as it would make a stink in the press and also would make the civilians mad. [12] He competed in this sport in the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, and he finished in fifth placeright behind four Swedes. He was also frequently in disagreement with Terry de la Mesa Allen Sr. and Theodore Roosevelt Jr. though often then conceding, to their relief, in line with Bradley's view.[132]. He then relinquished command of II Corps to Bradley, and returned to the I Armored Corps in Casablanca to help plan Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily. For other uses, see, Denazification controversy and antisemitism. Patton's I Armored Corps was officially redesignated the Seventh Army just before his force of 90,000 landed before dawn on D-Day, July 10, 1943, on beaches near the town of Licata. Patton's colorful image, hard-driving personality, and success as a commander were at times overshadowed by his controversial public statements. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Wife of Gen. George S. Patton He also applied to several universities with military corps of cadet programs, and was accepted to Princeton College, but eventually decided on Virginia Military Institute (VMI), which his father and grandfather had attended. Fearing this assignment would dead-end his career, Patton travelled to Washington, D.C. during 11 days of leave and convinced influential friends to arrange a reassignment for him to the 8th Cavalry at Fort Bliss, Texas, anticipating that instability in Mexico might boil over into a full-scale civil war. [198] Showalter believes that Patton, under severe physical and psychological stress, made up claims of sexual conquest to prove his virility. [67], On November 10, 1917, Patton was assigned to establish the AEF Light Tank School. [208] Patton decided that he would leave his post at the 15th Army and not return to Europe once he left on December 10 for Christmas leave. "[206] Patton also stirred a hostile antisemitism into his often-fractious relationship with newspaper reporters. Instead he tried out for the sword team and track and field and specialized in the modern pentathlon. [53][54] Patton modeled much of his leadership style after Pershing, who favored strong, decisive actions and commanding from the front. Waters was graduated from Foxcroft school in Virginia. Patton spent time in Boston before visiting and speaking in Denver and visiting Los Angeles, where he spoke to a crowd of 100,000 at the Memorial Coliseum. He served in the position until relieved by General Joseph T. McNarney on November 26th. He married Joanne Stanley Holbrook on 14 June 1952, in Washington, District of Columbia . "[186], The Third Army began crossing the Rhine River after constructing a pontoon bridge on March 22, two weeks after the First Army crossed it at Remagen, and Patton slipped a division across the river that evening. Beatrice Banning Ayer Birth Sep 1885 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States Death 30 Sep 1953 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States Mother Ellen Barrows Banning Father Frederick Fanning Ayer (Ayers/ Eyre) Quick access Family tree 2160 New search Beatrice Banning Ayer family tree Family tree Explore more family trees Parents He continuously moved throughout the command talking with men, seeking to shape them into effective soldiers. Anyhow, they are dead, so nothing can be done about it. Do you want me to give it back? Sep 1885 - Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, Sep 30 1953 - Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, Jan 12 1886 - Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA, Sep 30 1953 - Hamilton, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA, Jan 12 1886 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, Sep 30 1953 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, Beatrice A Patton, Ruth Ellen Patton, George Smith Iv Patton, Sep 1885 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, USA, Beatrice A Patton, Gen George Smith Patton, Frederick Fanning Ayer, Ellen Barrows Ayer, Ellen Wheaton Wood, James Cook Ayer, Charles Fanning Ayer, Louise Raynor Ayer, Frederick Ayer, Mary Katherine Merrill, Beatrice Smith Waters, Ruth Ellen Totten, George Smith Patton, Jan 12 1886 - Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America, Sep 30 1953 - Hamilton, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States of America, Frederick Albert Ayer, Ellen Barrows Ayer (born Banning), Ellen Wheaton Ayer, James Cook Ayer, Charles Fanning Ayer, Louise Raynor Ayer, Frederick Ayer, Mary Katherine Merrill (born Ayer), Beatrice Ayer Waters (born Patton), Ruth Ellen Totlen (born Patton), George Smith (General) Patton, William The Conqueror (Willie) Patton, Jan 12 1886 / Sept 1885 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, Sep 30 1953 - Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, Frederick Ayer, Ellen Barrows Ayer (born Banning), Beatrice "bee" Patton, Ruth Ellen Patton, George Smith Patton, Beatrice Waters (born Patton), Ruth Ellen Totten (born Patton), Maj. Gen. George Smith Patton, Jan 12 1886 - Haverhill, Essex County, Massachusetts, Sep 30 1953 - Hamilton, Essex County, Massachusetts, Beatrice Patton, Ruth Ellen Totten (born Patton, Iii), Major-gen George S. Patton, Iv, Beverly, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States, Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, United States, Hamilton, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States, Hamilton, Essex county , Massachusetts, United States of America, Birth of Maj. Gen. George Smith Patton, IV. Patton sent notes and assistance to help Eisenhower graduate from the General Staff College. In response, the U.S. launched the Pancho Villa Expedition into Mexico. [90] Maj. Patton led the rescue effort after a January 1922 blizzard destroyed the Knickerbocker Theatre in D.C.[91][92] From 1922 to mid-1923 he attended the Field Officer's Course at the Cavalry School at Fort Riley, then he attended the Command and General Staff College from mid-1923 to mid-1924,[88] graduating 25th out of 248. During this time he developed a belief that tanks should be used not as infantry support, but rather as an independent fighting force. He lived in Fort Myer, Alexandria, District of Columbia, United States in 1940 and Heidelberg, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Empire in 1945. An example of Patton's sarcastic wit was broadcast when he received orders to bypass Trier, as it had been decided that four divisions would be needed to capture it. [214] The 1986 film The Last Days of Patton tells the story of his last few months. This has led . [42] Bringing these lessons back to Fort Myer, Patton redesigned saber combat doctrine for the U.S. cavalry, favoring thrusting attacks over the standard slashing maneuver and designing a new sword for such attacks. He was an admirer of Admiral Horatio Nelson for his actions in leading the Battle of Trafalgar in a full dress uniform. Topics include the saber, cavalry, casualty information, denazification of Germany, and displaced persons. Amen. After briefly considering this, Bradley vetoed it, since he was less concerned about killing large numbers of Germans than he was in arranging for the relief of Bastogne before it was overrun. [107] Patton earned a pilot's license and, during these maneuvers, observed the movements of his vehicles from the air to find ways to deploy them effectively in combat. He died in his sleep of pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure at about 6:00pm on December 21, 1945, at the age of 60. "[181], By February, the Germans were in full retreat. [140], When the weather cleared soon after, Patton awarded O'Neill a Bronze Star Medal on the spot. He competed in the modern pentathlon in the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden. Speaking later of the German pilots who had struck, Patton remarked, "if I could find the sons of bitches who flew those planes, I'd mail each of them a medal. [175], At the time, Patton's Third Army was engaged in heavy fighting near Saarbrcken. Sereno E. Brett, commander of the U.S. 326th Tank Battalion, took command of the brigade in Patton's absence. 1912 June 14 Patton sailed for Europe to participate in the Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden. [1] I am a quick learner, always keen to develop new skills, and strive for continuous personal growth. [239], In addition to all that, the one man Patton spent the most time with during World War II was his aide and personal valet, Sergeant Major William George Meeks, an African-American career soldier, and personal confidant and friend of General Patton. California Missing Persons | State of California - Department of On December 16, 1944, it massed 29 divisions totaling 250,000 men at a weak point in the Allied lines, and during the early stages of the ensuing Battle of the Bulge, made significant headway towards the Meuse River during a severe winter. Patton followed the growing hostility and conquest aspirations of the militant Japanese leadership. [154] Through the British network of double-agents, the Allies fed German intelligence a steady stream of false reports about troops sightings and that Patton had been named commander of the First United States Army Group (FUSAG), all designed to convince the Germans that Patton was preparing this massive command for an invasion at Pas de Calais. He was reportedly appalled to learn that the Red Army would take Berlin, feeling that the Soviet Union was a threat to the U.S. Army's advance to Pilsen, but was stopped by Eisenhower from reaching Prague, Czechoslovakia, before V-E Day on May 8 and the end of the war in Europe. Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial, the southern end of the initial "Bulge" front line, List of places named for George S. Patton, Double Exposure: The Story of Margaret Bourke-White, George S. Patton's speech to the Third Army, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, General George Patton Museum of Leadership, "Lot Detail - George Patton's 1899 School Report Card and Signed Envelope Dated 1906", "distinguished-achievement-award/george-s-patton-jr", "How the Knickerbocker snowstorm became D.C.'s deadliest disaster 100 years ago", "When a Winter Storm Triggered One of the Deadliest Disasters in D.C. History", "Storied Schooner Once Owned by General Patton to be Sold", "What Bill O'Reilly ignored about George Patton", "Surviving the Nazis, Only to Be Jailed by America (Published 2015)", "H. L. Woodring Dies at 77; Was Driver in Patton Crash", "Footnotes to Greatness: A review of Patton: A Soldier's Life, by Stanley P. Hirshson". Nonetheless, he was known to be admired widely by the men under his charge. When Patton married Beatrice Banning Ayer in 1910, his considerably wealthier father-in-law put him on the family payroll and subsidized a coddled military career, complete with traveling. 1910 Married Beatrice Banning Ayer 1912 Member, American team, XII Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden, finishing fifth in modern pentathlon 1912-1913 Attended French cavalry school, Saumur, France 1913 Graduated, United States Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans. [80] Trying to move his reserve tanks forward, Patton relates that he might have killed one of his own men, stating: "Some of my reserve tanks were stuck by some trenches. [64], After the Villa Expedition, Patton was detailed to Front Royal, Virginia, to oversee horse procurement for the army, but Pershing intervened on his behalf. Official date of rank of September 2, 1943. [171], Patton's decisions in taking this city were criticized. [147] This decision had been made before the slapping incidents were made public, but Patton blamed them for his being denied the command.

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