daily prophetic word fathers heart
This is the hour of great change and great possibility! I decree that this is the season, the ripe time and the 'Kairos moment on the Fathers timetable for the Inauguration of His Kings- His Apostles. I asked the Lord, What is this rumbling I hear?. I saw that there was so much brush in this yard and the dead branches and dead trees were actually hiding the living branches and trees that were fruitful. I decree a turn and the shift of the Continent of Africa as they enter a new beginning in a new direction! Canada will arise to bring healing to the nations of the world. Follow My lead and be mindful of the things I am setting into place. You have revealed yourself onto us. Good News! Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. I was back in His House, back in His Presence. So, I bless the Deborahs, I bless the army of warrior women that God is raising up as Apostolic Mothers! The wheat and the tares have matured together and their birthing is at hand. And then I watched Jesus, reach into the dustpan amidst the junk and debris and sift through it and suddenly from out of that dustpan He began to pull out precious gems; rubies, pearls and diamonds! I saw other mountains being laid low as deep valleys were raised up to create a new way, a clear path to walk upon. It was God's kindness to mute Zechariah so that the Word of God would manifest in his life! Will He not accomplish all that is in His Heart to do? Cal is also a member of the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA). When we come to Christ, our old nature passes away and we receive the new nature of God by becoming His Body. More and more were coming. I see the fear of man drowning as the fear of the Lord rises up in the hearts of these true Apostolic fathers and mothers. This is not an indication that we, as Believers, should shrink back or look for a rapture to bail us out. In the Spirit, I saw a TV screen and on it was a news broadcaster. Today, honour is being restored to your Identity and Destiny as mighty women of valour. I saw couples and singles and whole families eating together. I see that a gorgeous pearl of wisdom has being formed that can only have come as a result of fiery trials. And what a plan I have! Life has a . "I Want To Prophesy To You" & "The Father Heart Prophetic School" Unbelief will hinder and dampen your connection to My power and strength. A line is being drawn to separate and define what has been from what is now to be. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse. Daily Prophetic Rhema Words from the Lord to support, encourage, and strengthen your daily walk with Christ . He is the one unlocking the prison doors! I hear the bridegroom calling- step in! I asked- Father, how will you heal the emotions? He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness and light dwells with Him. It sees a part of your body as a disease and tries to destroy it. I see Canada standing before Nations and I see Canada stengthening the weak hands and making firm the feeble knees. I release my plans to those who yield to My Spirit and truly seek My counsel with a hungry heart. I saw broken hearts mended, and captives set free. And great will be the peace of those who have become a dwelling place for My Spirit. AMEN. The great cloud of witnesses are cheering on the Canadian Bride!!! As I saw the dead horse a thought came to me and I said to the Lord I feel like I am beating a dead horse. God's will is that we prosper in spirit and in body. This resulted in condemnation and discouragement. I see the spirit of Elijah is resting upon the women in Canada! I instinctively knew these kings represented wickedness in high places, religious and political spirits, demonic powers and principalities. I BREAK THE LIES THAT HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO SHAME FROM YOUR SOUL! The Lord impressed upon me that the gift she is carrying, is the gift of Son-ship. The movement of Mothering is releasing the movement of Fathering! I was shown big blobs moving in front of me and knew that these werewhite blood cells. I could see that this was the time of Birthing! By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. Today, the enemys assignment of death and destruction is being cut and severed from your lives as you step up, onto your new platform of Hope and Healing. I Am in you as I was in Christ, and because Christ is in you - I Am in you willing and able to do My good pleasure. Not only will we see the Victory but we will BE the Victory! I see the plumb-line being applied to the foundations on which He plans to build. The picture is that of a little orphan girl (see picture insert) holding a big beautiful gift wrapped in a lovely red bow! The old wineskin of the past is not going to receive the new wine of the future. Our Father is on the move- and He is moving into the spaces and places we have prepared for Him in the past seasons. I hear the Lord speak over you Australia ---Psalms 24:7-10: Lift up your heads, O you gates! 2018 will be a year of taking and establishing new territory for the Kingdom of God. So that you would accomplish all that is in My heart for this Nation. I bless you to walk in the gift of Faith to believe God for miracles, signs and wonders! In resurrection power, imparting the Father's love. I knew it was just a matter of time before some of these dead trees and branches would actually look dead on the outside. Its like- the battle for headship has finally come to a head! And because of this alignment, I could see break-throughs like fireworks being released as the favour and blessing of the Father began to flow into the Nations within Africa! The following Vision was a confirmation, regarding a strategic God mission for Canada. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day that I do this, says the LORD of hosts., I sensed the anointing of great grace, victory, and authority upon these butterflies! The labourers, the provision, the resources are being assembled and equipped to function in their rightful places and spaces within the Kingdom. There was a huge water-fall and lightening and thundering and the wind was whirling. As the chains fell from the womens legs, I saw that they were healed and released from their emotional wounds. Free to be who GOD designed you to be! It is natural to feel a sense of dissatisfaction when life is empty or full of sorrow. The Spirit of counsel to receive revelation of the thoughts and heart of the Father, and the Spirit of might to release the thoughts and heart of Father! You are seated with Me far above all principalities and powers. I discerned the efforts of the people in the yard to be an utter waste of time and energy because the things they were trying to save had already been severed and uprooted by the Lord Himself. For it is My glory that will cover the earth! This Word is to encourage and bless those who carry the true heartbeat of the amazing Freedom Convoy happening right now in Canada. The Lord is making a way for His remnant bride to cross over- into her destiny, into the fullness of her inheritance and into the resurrection life of Jesus Christ. *Our Father desires intimate relationship with each one of us and has provided Jesus Christ the firstborn Son, to bring many sons and daughters into relationship with Him. I Decree the Word of the Lord will be unleashed from the least likely places and these voices will rise and rise and rise and they will collectively become a fountain of living water for many to drink from and be refreshed and be strengthened! Although they are fierce and full of Holy fury----they carry the law of kindness on their tongues, and when they speak, I see the fruit of the SPIRIT flowing from their mouths! In the Spirit, I saw 'the head of Abimelech' being crushed and I discerned that it represented the 'head of Intimidation' and I saw it being crushed on the First Nations reservations. From this vantage point, she was able to see all the schemes and wiles of the demonic army below. The exploitation and exposing of nakedness represented a spiritual act of promoting one-self while the prostitution/pimping represented the trafficking of spiritual gifts and talents. It is reaction to the intensity of the bombardment and fighting that produced a helplessness appearing variously as panic and being scared, or flight, an inability to reason, sleep, walk or talk- Wikipedia). This word was given and released on the Online Healing Rooms Network for Canada. They have not been lost, but I have hidden them. To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives. Thank-you Father that your breaker anointing is being released right now to break through every lie of the enemy. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice say- Maggie, I told you to stay in the House. Immediately, I understood why I had felt so heavy and was struggling. You do not need to stress, strain or cultivate some ethereal attitude to move in the miraculous. Our feet are being positioned on the necks of demonic kings in this season! They were stuck and immobilized. Text "FHM" to 2012776097 to join our free SMS Texting List! And I see this great wind of fire whirling around the labourers- stripping off the weariness and depositing great strengthand I see this wind suddenly set fire to their wooden sickles and transform them into sickles of gold and sickles of fire! Jesus came to show us how to be a Son in the Kingdom of God! 'I somehow knew that the Oil from up here would cause him to become unstuck and would compel him higher. I hear the Lord say- It is from this dwelling place that I will Roar, releasing My agenda into the Nations! For when I send them as My enforcers, I will activate the mantle of war that I have placed within them and they will retrieve and secure the inheritance that I have promised for them and for their children and for their childrens children. SCRIPTURE: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me. I was standing in the front yard of the House, amidst the carnage of uprooted tree stumps and branches that had been severed and strewn about. To the Freedom Convoy: I declare, that as you roll your trucks into Ottawa, you have become the catalyst for change and you are at the top of Gods agenda for this hour! I see the bride of Christ emerging from this bathtub there has been a cleansing and a purifying and I hear the Lord saying now you are ready for fresh robes and fresh linen. The fresh oil of evangelism and outreach is being poured out across the province of Manitoba. I repent for yielding to it and I ask you to forgive me for partnering and agreeing with it. It is the kindness of the Father that will turn the hardest of hearts to run into the Fathers bosom! We will begin to see healing as a process to establish health in our bodies and minds. God is releasing the wind of Apostolic Governance to release a generation into destiny! Jesus Christ was the firstborn of the Father. NOTE: I felt the dream was a warning as well as prophetic insight into what God is doing in this hour amidst this global pandemic. The destiny of Canada is to release Healing to the Nations, by revealing the Father-heart of God- and its the revealing of His heart that will unleash and release Nations into their Destiny! Behold His promises are yes and amen! So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with themwalking, leaping, and praising God. Truth is truth and the lies are being exposed and cast down. They are destiny releasers and will walk in the Glory of the Fathers goodness and kindness, carrying an anointing and an authority to release peoples, cities, regions and nations into the plans and purposes of the Father. e the Destiny of a Nation and the Destiny of a peoplechosen to carry the Father's Heart to the Nations of the earth. He did this by trying the slipper on the feet of all the women in the land. I saw prophets being raised up from the darkest of places and being wood by the Holy Spirit, to leave the table of Jezebel. I sense this image of my husband carrying me across the Threshold is a prophetic visual of what Jesus Christ is wanting to do in this hour in Canada. Just as you have experienced the knowledge gifts and [], The Father says today that I will not leave you languishing in sorrow and helplessness. To the body of Christ in Canada- I decree that YOU ARE the agenda of the Father in this hour! I hear the FATHER say, these are My golden girls! I saw the Father was standing in this large tent beside tables that had many maps laid out upon them with geographical places and spaces written all over them. Cast all your cares upon Me, for I care for you and will provide the necessary superintendence to bring about change. In a vision, I saw myself climbing out of a room through a hole in the ceiling and was now standing on the floor of that ceiling. I see peace and rest coming into the church in Manitoba because it is the God of peace that will crush satan under your feet. I realized He was speaking to the ones about to be birthed. I know the best way to bring about the fulfillment of your [], The Father says today I am the God who gives you the desires of your heart. Trust Me as I lead you into the greatest opportunities of your lifetime! They did not give in! Have Questions? We are to be mindful of what we speak because life and death are in the power of the tongue (Prov 18:21). The Fathers heart will be arrayed and displayed through the Inuit people of Canada. Resolute Bay, I see the fire of the Holy Ghost coming to your house!
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