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when approaching a railroad crossing you should quizlet

All individuals on a motorcycle are required by law to wear a helmet which is approved by the CHP, fits snugly, and is tightly fastened. If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is __________. When parking next to a curb, you should use your turn signals: When pulling next to or away from the curb. The largest ozone hole on record occurred in 200620062006 and had a surface area of 29.629.629.6 million km2\mathrm{km}^2km2. Question 276: One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to_______. One of the most important things you should do before you leave the lot with a rental car is __________. Allow a larger space cushion than usual when stopping: You have the right-of-way when turning left on which of the following traffic signals? Question 49: There are usually _______ collisions in a motor vehicle crash. Question 138: If you are taking a prescribed drug and are going to drive, __________. His apparent weight will be the greatest when the elevator Question 9: On the freeway, maintain a 3 second following distance. Question 280: Every 30,000 miles, __________. Correct: be patient and adjust your speed and position, Question 4: Reversible lanes are marked with unique signs, signals, and markings, such as_____. Question 117: As you approach a steep uphill grade in the mountains,_______. Correct Answer: Reference your owners manual for maximum load weight. Correct Answer: Do not follow too closely. Question 14: If intervention is not working, instead of driving with the impaired driver, then______. Deer are likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during __________. Question 81: Safety belts are designed_______. When approaching A railroad crossing without mechanical gates are lights you should blank When approaching a railroad crossing without mechanical gates or lights you should: Always come to a complete stop. Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer, Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Hendrick Van Ness, J.M. Correct Answer: let him or her pass you and position your vehicle with plenty of space behind the bad driver. Introducing Cram Folders! Correct: aggression, Question 7: Inattention is generally caused by concentration on __________. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The only highway sign that's round is the a. stop sign b. yield sign c. railroad advance warning sign d. railroad crossbuck sign, You should stop no closer than _____ from a railroad crossing if a train is approaching. You should: Stop as long as the red lights are flashing, You should never drive faster than is safe for current conditions, You just sold your vehicle. In California, pedestrians crossing outside of a marked crosswalk must __________ the right-of-way to other vehicles. When entering and exiting a roundabout scan for pedestrians and Go in the . Of traffic once youre in a roundabout. Correct Answer: Give the right-of-way to oncoming traffic. Correct Answer: apply your brakes gently as you accelerate. If you have never been issued a driver license in any other state or country, you are required to complete the following course before being issued a driver's license in Florida Question 101: You can reduce your vehicles blind spot by_______. Correct: motorcycles, Question 7: Reversible lanes are marked with unique signs, signals, and markings, such as_____. Correct: circadian rhythm, Question 4: Other drivers depend on you to be rational and________. Correct Answer: turn the heater on high and let the engine warm-up. Question 303: Safety belts are designed_______. A 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine and 1.5 ounces of 80-proof liquor __________. 6: After you start your vehicle, ensure that the ___________ are off. Correct: minimum, Question 4: For specific guidelines on your vehicles maintenance, make sure to ___________. Question 51: Motorcycles are extremely hard to see if they are __________. Correct: motorcycles, Question 8: White lettering and symbols painted on the surface of the roadway are used to __________. Question 3: Cruise control should not be used__________. Turn on your________ well in advance of your maneuver to turn or change lanes. If you notice someone driving erratically behind you, you should __________. Correct: pass another vehicle, Question 5: On cold days, to prevent moisture from forming on the inside of the glass, _________ before you turn on the defroster. Question 258: One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush, and mud is to_________. Correct: a red X, which means the lane is closed, Question 8: Motorcycles are extremely hard to see if they are _______. Question 109: If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, ___________. Question 165: Negative thoughts that occur while driving often surface in the form of __________. Do not use your horn directly behind a __________ or a horse rider on the side of the roadway. Question 197: When changing lanes on an expressway, signal your intentions and __________. Question 231: Scanning low allows you to locate__________before you hit them. Question 19: In general, for males, it takes the liver up to ________ to process approximately one drink. Question 299: By law, if you are involved in a collision, _________. You have answered 8 question(s) correctly. Correct: brake lights, Question 10: Motorcycles are extremely hard to see if they are _______. As you approach a steep uphill grade in the mountains,_______. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the appropriate action to take when approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals to direct traffic?, If a green arrow turns into a solid green light, you:, When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, a driver should: and more. Correct: Braking, Question 6: Even if your vehicle has minimal damage from a collision, have the vehicles safety features __________. It is illegal to drive in the United States without __________. One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush, and, check your tire inflation and tread depth. a. Correct: poor traction, Question 6: One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush and mud is to_________. If during the last 100 feet of approaching a railroad crossing, you cannot see the track for at least 400 feet in both directions, you may not cross the tracks at a speed faster than _____ MPH. Correct Answer: the vehicle that is already in the lane. _________is one of the top three factors associated with fatal crashes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you see farm equipment ahead traveling the same road as you,_______. Question 91: Child restraint anchorage systems should have__________lower anchorages. Correct Answer: reasoning, judgment, and concentration. This number is far too high, and a major contributing Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; Most intersections do have traffic control devices. Give the right-of-way to oncoming traffic. Question 66: After you start your vehicle, ensure that the ___________ are off. What is the magnitude of the acceleration at the point of maximum extension of the spring? Correct: All of these answers are correct. Correct: your natural sleep time, Question 2: When traveling at a safe speed on a freeway, select a lane that allows others to __________. driven among all age groups, followed by elderly drivers and young ________. Question 167: Never drive when your body tells you __________. Correct: limited or hampered, Question 6: Some people, when they are caught in a situation where they have no control can become frustrated, which can lead to______. Incorrect: one block You should search the next intersection beginning at least 12 seconds ahead of time. Question 289: If you are inattentive on the road, you will__________. Question 105: If the oil pressure light illuminates while you are driving, you should_______. Correct: consent; chemical, Question 4: If you notice someone driving erratically behind you, you should __________. What is the first thing you should adjust, if needed, when you get into a car to drive? If you are involved in a collision and the vehicles are still operational, _______. Correct Answer: greater stopping distances. Always be careful at a crossing, even if you know few trains pass that way. Correct Answer: conduct a self-inventory of all drugs consumed and their side effects. Question 129: In California, __________ are permitted to use HOV lanes. Correct: turn the heater on high and let the engine warm up, Question 4: While driving in the city, the busy urban environment can induce ___________. Question 252: Passing a stopped school bus with flashing red lights and a stop signal arm can generate a fine of up to __________. A clearly visible railroad signal warns of the approaching of a train 2. Perform the following operations and express your answer as a power of ten using scientific notation: If you possess an alcoholic beverage that has been opened, has a broken seal, or has had some of the contents removed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle, __________. Correct: a red X, which means the lane is closed, Question 7: In California, __________ are permitted to use HOV lanes. Question 10: If you can see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights ahead, ______. During each mile you drive, up to__________events you need to interpret can occur. Question 6: If you are stuck in a traffic jam and you can feel your anger rising, you are experiencing an emotional challenge called ________. Question 126: Passing a stopped school bus with flashing red lights and a stop signal arm can generate a fine of up to __________. When approaching an intersection, bridge, or railroad crossing, you should never drive (pass) on the left half of the roadway when within, Under favorable circumstances, including reaction time, a motor vehicle with good brakes going 50 mph can be stopped within, You must give a signal either by hand and arm or by a signal device, The speed limit for passenger cars in urban districts is, The most important thing in backing a motor vehicle is, A vehicle should never be parked closer to a fire hydrant than, When choosing your driving speed, the most important thing to consider is, The condition of the weather, traffic, road, car, and driver, When turning left from a three lane, one-way street, you should turn from the. Question 1: Adjust your vehicle __________to help prevent a dangerous event from occurring or to minimize the consequences of an unavoidable crash. Prove that a=b=ca=b=ca=b=c and A+B=CA+B=CA+B=C. Shift to neutral and apply steady pressure on the brake. turn the heater on high and let the engine. Your body could slide forward, increasing the chance of injury. Correct: in front, Question 9: Locked doors are less likely to open in a crash, ________. Question 257: While driving in the city, the busy urban environment can induce ___________. Correct: Visual overload, Question 5: One of the most important tasks to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush and mud is to_________. Correct: turn the heater on high and let the engine warm up, Question 5: When driving in the city, ________may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights. Correct Answer: reference your owners manual. Question 308: There have been improvements to ABS including __________. Correct: pass you on the left, Question 3: As you approach a steep uphill grade in the mountains,_______. Slowing down or rolling through a stop sign is __________. Question 2: Position your vehicle in the _______of your lane before turning right and move toward the center line when you are about to turn left. Question 53: It is illegal to follow an emergency vehicle at a distance of __________ or to stop within __________ of where an emergency vehicle is responding to an alarm. Question 15: Using an octane rated higher than your vehicle______. Correct Answer: Fluorescent yellow-green diamond-shaped. Question 144: If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is __________. How many protons are in the nucleus of an atom of each element? Traction control systems__________the driver. Correct: 25 mph, Question 3: You can reduce your vehicles blind spot by_______. Traffic engineers and lawmakers have designed our roads. Question 235: Stimulants can generate a__________. Question 153: Several factors can cause tire failure including under inflation, hard braking, and __________. Question 278: There have been improvements to ABS including __________. Correct Answer: Your headlights point straight ahead, not into the curve. See iDriveSafely Current Pricing Specials Here, Get Your Driving Record By Name & Question 254: Do not use your horn directly behind a __________ or a horse rider on the side of the roadway. Question 296: The majority of drivers involved in collisions are people who have a _____driving record. Highway hypnosis is related to ____________. Which of the following statements is true? You have it listed as one block right now and should correct it Thankx. Correct: decreasing the chance of the occupants being ejected, Question 9: If you drive through water, your brakes may become slippery and ineffective. Question 206: To help manage risk, it is essential that you __________ that can increase levels of risk. Correct Answer: you will be charged with a fine of up to $500. Question 98: In California, what is the speed limit near schools and senior centers? (b) Find the small-signal parameterspointisinthecenteroftheloadline. Question 68: If you are inattentive on the road, you will__________. IMPORTANT: If you havent already checked it out, make sure you read my online traffic school answers page because I give a lot of super simple tips and tricks that will help you pass easily the first time. A NASA satellite showed that in 200920092009 the ozone hole over Antarctica had a maximum surface area of million km2\mathrm{km}^2km2. Correct Answer: remain in your vehicle unless the officer states otherwise. Correct: right side, Question 5: __________diamond-shaped or__________signs alert drivers of construction zones. If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is ___________. Correct Answer: with an emergency locking mechanism. If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, ___________. Question 93: Every 15,000 miles, _______. Correct: pull off the road as soon as possible, Question 2: If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, ___________. pull off the road at a safe place and nap. What is the appropriate action to take when approaching a railroad crossing that does not have signals to direct traffic? Correct: inventory the ones you can control, Question 8: You are impaired when your ability to operate a vehicle is ______. If parts are replaced when you have work done on your vehicle, __________. Over__________people were killed in 2005 in alcohol-related crashes. Approach the railroad tracks at 25 mph. Correct Answer: service the automatic transmission (if your car has one). Question 96: Our natural tendency is to concentrate on what is going on ahead of where we are going, so you need to check your mirrors__________. Correct: apply your brakes gently as you accelerate, Question 3: The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of__________safety performance requirements for motor vehicles. Question 271: If you drive through water, your brakes may become slippery and ineffective. When traveling behind large trucks, _______ your following distance. Correct Answer: fluorescent yellow-green diamond-shaped. Question 52: Flashing red and yellow lights control some intersections during times when there is __________ traffic flow. Because collision with trains are usually fatal, one have to use caution when approaching rail road crossing. Tomorrow, somebody will be in the same shoes you are searching for iDriveSafely answers. Should you move someone from an accident scene? When approaching a railroad crossing, you need to treat it the same way you treat other intersections? Correct Answer: the brain contains more blood. You should never drive __________, you should avoid sudden steering and braking, and you should always signal your intention to turn or change lanes. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of__________safety performance requirements for motor vehicles. remain in your vehicle unless the officer states otherwise. Correct Answer: you are going through a curve. You are getting ready to make a right turn, you should: Slow down or stop, if necessary, and then make the right turn. If you are a passenger and have your seat reclined with your safety belt on, in the event of a crash, ______. Correct: is involved in a crash each year, Question 7: Conduct a mental list related to the condition of each driving element. Address, Get Your Driving Record By License Plate #. Alcohol is quick to find its way to the brain because ______. Question 44: If you pack your vehicle full, you should_______. 4. Question 243: Known as road rage in California, what are some signs of aggressive driving? To lower the risk of a collision, you should keep at least __________ of space to one side of your vehicle at all times. When your rearview mirror is set to its night setting, it may hamper your ability to_________. Never drive when your body tells you_____. Correct: service the automatic transmission. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Some people can become frustrated when they are caught in a situation where they have no control, which can lead to __________. Question 22: When your rearview mirror is set to its night setting, it may hamper your ability to_________. You should be cautious when passing a bicycle because: The cyclist may have to swerve into traffic to avoid an object on the road. On the expressway, maintain a 3-4 second following distance. If you experience microsleep, __________. Question 18: If your vehicle begins to hydroplane, you should _____. If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to __________. Question 140: Due to synergism, if you take two depressants together, it may be the same as taking_________. If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to _________. Question 17: Over__________people were killed in 2005 in alcohol-related crashes. Driving is a __________ society has entrusted to us when we are issued a license. There are usually _______ collisions in a motor vehicle crash. Correct: circadian rhythm, Question 2: While driving, if you need to use your cell phone, _________. Because the actions of other road users are __________, you can lower your risk if you adequately communicate to those around you. Correct: let him or her pass you and position your vehicle with plenty of space behind the bad driver, Question 5: When you combine alcohol with some drugs, the results can be_____. If an oncoming railroad train is plainly visible, emits an audible signal or approaches the crossing, a vehicle that is approaching the railroad-highway grade crossing shall stop within 50 feet (but not less than 15 feet) from the nearest rail of such railroad. When you are tired your _________ shrinks. Question 21: Aggressive driving can be defined as operating a vehicle in a manner that is likely to________. If possible, change lanes so you will not drive next to the stopped emergency vehicle. Correct Answer: 70 mph (80 mph in some areas). Pass them on the right & exercise patience, Driving decisions depend on learned information, realistic. Question 228: When driving at night and you encounter curves, what do you have to remember? Railroad crossings are always dangerous. The speed limit is:, when parking your vehicle parallel to the curb on a level street: and more. Question 125: Deer are likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during ________. Question 282: One of the most important things you can do while driving is to concentrate on the__________of your passengers. When being passed by a motorcycle,________. When driving behind a cyclist reduce your following distance, The risk of a serious or fatal injury to a driver of a motorcycle involved in a collision is low, Drivers of pick ups sport utility vehicles or vans can see further ahead than drivers can, Higher headlights on a sport utility vehicle can cause more glare, If you see an emergency vehicle with its lights flashing you should pull to the left and let it pass, Truck drivers have excellent visibility ahead, A truck tends to lose speed when going downhill, You should use 2 second rule when following a bus, All vehicles must yield right of way to a police car if its using its. Correct: three, Question 2: Most state vehicle codes state that you shall not drive after taking a substance that __________. Question 111: Place or secure large items and loose objects in the __________ for safety and to deter theft. According to the NHTSA, the combination of ________ and ________ reduce the risk of serious crash-related head injury by 83 percent. Question 274: For specific guidelines on your vehicles maintenance, make sure to ___________. Correct: Pull completely off the road, Question 1: If the oil pressure light illuminates while you are driving, you should_______. You must obey instructions from school crossing guards: Which of these vehicles must always stop before crossing railroad tracks, Tank trucks with hazardous material place cards. Correct: get a detailed estimate that includes the service, the parts, and the labor costs, Question 1: Law enforcement agencies categorize observable aggressive driving behavior as which of the following? Question 107: If your brakes fail, one of the first things to do is ___________. : __________ percent of pedestrian fatalities in 2009 resulted from persons improperly crossing the roadway or intersection, walking. Correct: maintain a safe cushion of space ahead and behind your vehicle, Question 4: On cold days, to prevent moisture from forming on the inside of the glass, _________ before you turn on the defroster. Correct: where you cannot see, Question 3: Slowing down or rolling through a STOP sign is________. Use your __________ to communicate to other drivers that you are in trouble, there is trouble ahead, or when you are moving very slowly. Correct: 8, Question 5: One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to_______. If the road is slippery or wet, adjust your distance to _________. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. To dry the brakes off, __________. Correct Answer: judge the distance of traffic behind you. Question 288: The worst type of collision to be in is a __________. Correct: $1,000, Question 2: On an annual basis, animal-vehicle collisions cause about ____ worth of damage. Question 242: While driving, if you need to use your cell phone, _________. 18 years of age or 16 with completion of a driver education course. Question 56: Step vans (delivery trucks) and 15-passenger vans __________. Correct: position or speed, Question 2: You should never drive __________, you should avoidsudden steering and braking, and you should always signal your intention to turn orchange lanes. Correct Answer: check the location and condition of the spare tire. Correct: pull hard toward the deflated tire, Question 7: To reduce injury in the event your air bag deploys, position your body at least _______from the steering wheel. Question 281: Stay on the right side of your lane when __________. a. Correct: 3, Question 8: In California, the fine for a DUI can range from $390 to _________ (plus penalty assessments). Question 181: Most state vehicle codes state that you shall not drive after taking a substance that __________. What does the excretory system of most animals do? Gradually slow down and pull off the side of the road A diamond-shaped sign is a Road hazard sign Correct: reference your owners manual, Question 4: Do not try to drive more than__________hours in any one day. _______when you are approaching a blind curve to warn others that cannot see you coming. Correct Answer: check your tire inflation and tread depth.

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